Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Swollen and Bleeding...Got To Love Christmas

Let me start by saying that I am really glad that I am home. I find myself over joyed with the slightest of things such as: a bus system that is relatively efficient and that is useful, grass that is actually ground (not an off-shade of brown), trees tress trees and more trees, currency that comes in various colours (not the bland green that is so readily popular to our neighbours to the south) and water that tastes good! Yes, faithful reader, I have come home to Canada, where temperature is in Celsius, and everything is metric (I am currently 61 kilos). I miss this place. And although not that much has changed I'm still loving the feeling that in some small ways I am rediscovering the city I grew up in. And trust me, I love the feeling.

Canada has this way of making your problems feel like that don't really matter. Everything is so beautiful, how could someone not get lost in the sheer grandeur of it all? There is snow on the mountains, waves lapping on the shore, and people who are polite (although, I'm sure the season has something to do with that...) It's a pity that I took it all for granted before I left. I guess it's true what that HORRIBLE song says: "You don't know what you've got til its gone...Pave Paradise Put Up a Parking Lot..."

So Christmas is upon us...which means shopping, stressing, and hoping Santa is good to each of us. However, if you are me...then you understand that I'm sitting on my couch with gauze in my mouth and ice packs tied around my face because of only one thing: wisdom teeth (or more specificially, a lack of wisdom teeth)...although I do believe that the absence will in no ways effect my ability to think clearly and efficiently. I am still the same person...just now I have a few less teeth...and event tho though they are gone...I some how don't miss them...guess i didn't have an emotional attachment to them...

Anyways, I'm glad that finals are over. It seems like an understatement, but it's true. The joy that is felt when you are done with classes, is enough to make you feel like you can do anything...well not anything...i'm still stranded on my couch with puffy cheeks...but you understand. So high school students, just because you have to do finals when you get back doesn't mean that I want to see status updates about how hard they were, cause trust me...those were a breeze. So just enjoy them while you can...i wish i had.

Besides that fact that it is now Christmas, I am certainly enjoying this holiday...this time around. I'm meeting up with old friends, running into people I haven't seen in ages, and enjoying every minute of it. Ignoring that Santa is a creepy old man with a obvious thyroid problem who sneaks into peoples homes and leaves gifts assumedly to the liking of the individual and then proceedes to eat cookies and milk both of which should be strictly forbidden based upon his body mass, it is still a great holiday. But i'm still toying with the idea of telling my  future children about the Santa Claus lie...I'm not quite sure what to do...but somehow lying to my children seems harsh...Ah well I've got time to think about it.

Well, that's all for now. Most likely more to come...i'm stranded on my couch...

Signing Off,
A swollen DG

Monday, December 6, 2010

Finals Week: Where Has My Sanity Gone

Granted it's not ACTUALLY finals week. It is simply the week BEFORE finals week. Which, ironically, is very much like high school's "week before doom settles": teachers are cramming, projects are getting thrown together and people are losing touch with reality. It's all familiar...but sadly at a much higher level meaning that the cramming is more drastic, the stress is more dynamic, and the insanity much more dramatic.

But first a note from the BYU Christmas Around the World: It was epic. To all those involved both in the audience and on the stage it was truly an enjoyable show. Everything ran smoothly and it was a pretty impressive show. And by impressive what I really mean is that it was the best show EVER on BYU campus. So for all those who went to divine comedy instead of to our show, remember Santa is going to deliberately skip your house now. Hope you like coal!

Needless to say, it's going to take sometime for everyone to get over the stress of Christmas around the world. It was stressful at times. It was also long hours, which means that all of the performers are suffering from lack of sleep. So if you bump into anyone and the yell at you in: Hungarian, Colombian, Austrian, Ukrainian, Polish...whatever, know that they are just saying how much they care about you...unless you didn't come to the show then it is probably an angry string of nasty names and insulting phrases. Hope you all came to the show!

So it's finals week and the joy begins. Everyone is totally pumped. You can feel the excitement as you walk around campus. Luckily no one is in tears yet...but i have a horrible feeling that come next week the tears will be flowing like no body's business. BUT HEY, there is always a demand for salt water :D (I'm totally kidding, tears an absolute waste of energy, we can't even use them for fresh water...so it's totally useless).

Let's be honest stress is not even remotely fun. Well alright it can be somewhat fun to torment those who are extremely stressed, but in general it is not a fun thing. But such is life.


Signing Off,

Monday, November 29, 2010

American Thanksgiving: Hollywood You Lied Again

So, in Canada I remember watching television shows about a holiday where families gather together and eat straight off the carcass of a turkey, with over flowing dishes of stuffing and mashed potatoes and not to mention having so many people that you are breaking about 20 safety codes. Unfortunately, this is not quite the case in reality. Thanksgiving is usually a time for family and the eating takes a second place. The food is delicious and you do have left overs for weeks, but more importantly it's all about focusing what you are thankful for and what you have been given.

Hollywood...you lied to me...again.

Why do I even bother trusting ANYTHING that industry produces? I should learn my lesson and avoid ever believe another thing that comes from a movie. Everything that Hollywood has ever produced has been over glorified...if not out right wrong.

So i guess the lesson here is never trust Hollywood.

Now, my faithful reader, I want you to note that I, for once, am not going to bash on the United States. American Thanksgiving is actually a genuinely good holiday. Almost exactly the same as Canadian Thanksgiving, but only a month later and there is a shopping day which is pretty intense, but for all intense and purposes it's the same. Gratitude is the main item of the holiday and it's fun to just kick back, relax, and take a deep breath before plunging into finals.

Speaking of which finals are only a few weeks away. There are only 8 more days of classes left! Isn't that crazy??? Needless to say, it's pretty insane to think that in less then 3 weeks i'll be home. Reuniting with friends, eating Asian food, and sleeping. That was my only complaint about Thanksgiving...not being at home.

It was great hanging out with friends and making some new ones, and it was fun watching everyone enjoy their family time. But, I wish in someways I could have gone home and visited my family. I miss them a lot and so I guess spending time with an "adopted" family made me realize how grateful I truly am for them.

Yes, it happened, I was grateful for something on a holiday that technically not mine. But who cares...you can always show gratitude.

So, I survived my first ever Thanksgiving in the United States. And I am no closer to becoming an American, but I have gain (in someways) a new respect for them. But I'm still Canadian through and through, so deal with it!

Signing Off,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh Look it's Almost The End of the Week

Well, it looks like i missed the usual day to blog, so I'm doing it today. Yes, it is Friday, and I'm that much of a loner that I don't have a social life. Which majorly is a disappointment...but don't worry I'm working to rectify that. Majorly.

Nevertheless, I have news. I...uh...am..uh...going to school two days of school next week. THAT'S RIGHT I'VE GOT AMERICAN THANKSGIVING, which is a grand total of 3 whole days off school! Sorry Canada, but you don't got no holiday like that...so you'll understand my excitement. Not that I'm going to participate in an American tradition that I know nothing about, but rather that I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE SCHOOL! YAY!

Although, since we are talking holidays, there is a more important holiday that is currently creeping closer and closer: CHRISTMAS! In a few short weeks we get to enjoy the break that Christmas has to offer. Now that is going to be a glorious holiday, where I return to Canada and enlist myself in eating as much Asian food as humanly possible. AND THEN THE ASIAN FOOD HOLE IN MY STOMACH WILL BE FILLED! And peace will once again be restored to the universe. I'm so excited to go home!

In other news, Teachers are panicing. Or rather they are cramming. It is like every single teacher (except my Econ teacher who is as cool as a cucumber) is trying to put as much as they can into a single lesson. Put as many tests and papers as they can before the break...and there is only two more days before the break. Granted of course most people are not even caring, seeing the break is what is important, but lets just say, the testing centre has never been more full, and the stress level has never been higher. I never remember being this stressed or bog down for anything in highschool. So be grateful for the time you have in High School my young friends, because when you get old like me, you tend to loose yourself in school work, because there is no time for anything else.

Well...I guess that is all for this week. I'm stressed, people are stressed and because of that snap decisions are made. And because of that people do stupid things they may or may not regret. But time will tell. And remember, a little dose of freedom/getting to know others never hurt anyone. So branch out, meet someone new, and you never know...you might just make a new friend. And as we all know, friends are a wonderful thing!

Signing Off,

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 11: Let us Remember

Alright so BYU does have some perks to it. This last week I went to perhaps the funniest show I have ever seen. Divine Comedy. It was terribly funny. They mocked everything from Utah Culture to the sound of music.All to the beat of popular music of the day and glow-sticks. Pure entertainment.

In other news, it's remembrance day this week or veterans day depending on which nation you claim citizenship. So take some time this week to think about how much we owe our veterans. Think about how many sacrificed their lives for our freedoms or how many fought through horrible conditions against certain death to give us the peace that we now have in such abundance. Also think about our troops who are fighting currently in various nations across the globe. Be it in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Iran there are soldiers valiantly sacrificing all that they have to keep us safe and keep our freedoms intact. Their efforts should not go unremembered. So let us pay our respects on either side of the border. Either proudly display your poppy, or carry your gratitude with in your heart. But let us not forget, let us never forget.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
For those who do not know this poem, it is a extremely powerful poem that in Canada we have grown to love, and for those of you who have never heard it, read the lyrics and reflect on what the many wars, especially the world wars have meant for you.

We may be different, Canadians and Americans, we might even disagree on certain points. But we are united on the front of freedom, liberty and peace. We are one against those try and take them away. And we will continue to hold fast to these beliefs with unwavering dedication.

Do not let this November 11 go unnoticed. Pay your respects, for we have much to respect for those men and women, those in the field or at home, who have given us so much.

Thank you all Veterans and Current Soldiers!

Signing Off,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hello, Did you just vote?

So, i slaved a good 8 hours in a state that is not mine, in an election that I can't participate in, to receive data I don't really care about. Yes, I just did EXIT POLLING! Which is basically where I get to be crazy annoying and pester people to give me their opinions on politics so some person crunching the numbers can gauge the political climate of Utah. Is there even a political climate in Utah? And does it ever change?

Alright, so it is kinda entertaining. Talking to people and break down that "I'm-afraid-to-talk-to-people" facade that holds so many back. Yet, somehow I wish i could've broken that wall by doing something WAY less painful! Isn't there some pill you can take to make you more outgoing? A drink you can drink? A substance you can abuse? Oh...yeah...there is alcohol...grumble. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE?!?!?!

I mean outgoing, but still fully aware of your actions. THAT IS MUCH harder to come by. But I think after slaving for a insane amount of time I should be able to talk to whomever I want. So...unlike finding a back bone (yes you should know who is responsible...I won't say any names), it's time to become outgoing and enjoyable to be with...or well...more enjoyable then I USUALLY AM.

Oh, also I discovered that AMERICANS SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO REPLICATE ASIAN FOOD! PANDA EXPRESSES SHOULD ALL BE BURNED! ASIANS EVERYWHERE ARE WEEPING BECAUSE OF IT'S EXISTENCE! To those who don't know what Panda Express is...remember those crappy Asian places at the mall? The ones where the meat was alright but not really completely perfect or tasted kinda off...PANDA EXPRESS IS LIKE THAT BUT 300 TIMES WORSE! AMERICA STOP TRY TO STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S CULTURES AND LET THE PURE FORM OF TRUE ASIAN FOOD COME FORWARD!

Signing off
An Asian Food Obsessed DG

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Call of November

Trust me it beckons loudly. Despite the weeping...the wailing...the gnashing of teeth or the overabundance of complaining...November has arrived. Rather violently too. Not that anyone really cares. Seeing as time just keeps going leaving all the rest of behind wondering how in the world we are supposed to cope.

Nevertheless, here we are sitting in November and about to reach the second day of this rather unforgiving month. Mid-terms, finals, assignments, and attempting to get enough sleep. It's all in the overly complicated dance we like to call: The November Struggle. Ok fine it sounds more like a wrestling move than a dance but i'm not having a very creative day with names.

In other news, i've discovered that people have no clue what they are supposed to be doing with their holidays. Remembrance Day, is a flop down in the states with the barely thought about Veterans Day. Thanksgiving is a four day holiday that basically leaves with little to do and homework to catch up on. Other holidays that my be celebrated by other nations are promptly ignored thanks to this month, and the beautiful day of horrendous sales known as Black Friday attacks confused holiday-ers every time. However, I have no plan of participating in this American Ritual.

And just so all my American readers don't think i'm hating on America, I'd don't. I'm sure there is SOMETHING good about your nation. I'm just still trying to find out what that is EXACTLY...so just give me a little bit more time. It'll come to me.

This is a short blog tonight people, I really don't have that much to say. I'm just trying to keep myself awake...I figure that is a worthwhile cause, and good excuse as to why I can't think of anything witty or sarcastic to say. Ah well. I might have to blog later in the week when I'm more alert and ready to tell the world my true thoughts and feelings.

Signing Off,

Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's Supposed to Snow Tomorrow...

Yes I come from Canada, so you'd think I'd be saying: "Snow in late October...pffft...that's nothing!"

Well I'm not saying that...because I come from the part of Canada where it DOESN'T get cold, where it hardly ever SNOWS, and there is virtually NO WINDCHILL! So the announcement of SNOW in less then 24 hours is DEFINITELY NOT A WELCOME ONE!

It should be made into American law that it is not allowed to snow BEFORE Halloween...ever. However, apparently America and all its wisdom is still not capable of controlling the weather...fail! So this week is "GET READY FOR HALLOWEEN WEEK!" or in abbreviated form: GRFHW! (no i don't know how to say that), meaning I still need to find a costume...and I still need to find a Halloween Party to go to.

I know what your thinking Faithful reader, I could just plan my OWN halloween party...but then I would have to RUN the party...and then I'd have to think of games and activities and other such joyous holiday fantasticness...which is WAY more effort then I am willing to put forth...ever. So it looks like I might as well make a new friend...but only if they are hosting a party...(if you fit this discription, please feel free and make a comment below!)

So...it hasn't started snowing yet...although it might start at any given moment...and believe me it'll be unfortunate :(

In other news. I found camera. Which means...YOU GUESSED IT: PICTURES OF MY LIFE!!!! So be excited! Because now my life will be well documented and all of you faithful readers will be able to stalk me from the comforts of your own homes!

So, the pumpkin pie is gone...which means so is my power...and like all removings of power the post power obsession is really hard to let go of...but i'm working on it! I just need to find another sugary dessert that everyone wants and then i can regain CONTROL! MUHAHAHA...yeah...it's gonna be struggle...

Oh yeah I found Pandora...which means my music craving will finally be satisfied! Gotta love music...i'd much rather have music over sleep. Even if I do have an entire channel dedicated to 90's music...and let me tell you it was a weird time...

So, that's basically it...no sleep, more music...and my room is clean!!!

Signing Off,


Monday, October 18, 2010


This week I learned the power of pie. Pumpkin Pie. People crave it. People covet it. People desperately WANT to eat pumpkin pie. And when you personally have the pie...you control the people. POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHA.

But what does this have to do with Homework week?

Well...since motivation is dying thanks to mid-terms and papers...or just university life in general. And since, i being a caring individual who is not interested in manipulating anyone what so ever. So, i offered pie. To all those who completed their homework, they get pie. For all those who don't finish their homework...they DON'T GET PIE! And all because of my caring self, who is not interested in the power I control at all, I am kindly encouraging all those around me to complete their assignments.

Alright, power is nice...but i'm not letting it go to my head.

So, it's homework week...date week...academic week, and i'm pretty sure, "just-be-your-self-week". And because everyone LOVES weeks with multiple themes. No it's true. Having a theme really helps you focus your thoughts and organize your life...oh and ensure that you DON'T MANIPULATE others...unless you have pie!

Alright, I am not obsessed with the power of pie...it's just ironic how well it works.

And it looks like my class it going to start...looks like it's back to "Homework Week".


Signing Off,

Monday, October 11, 2010

...And The Pursuit of Happiness...

Well Canadians, it's blog day...and it's thanksgiving. Meaning everyone has the day off. Everyone that is, except for those in the states this fine Monday...

However, as I've spent many blogs on the mocking of the nation known as the US of A, i figure i should give all you Canadians some pointers to fit in among our "neighbours to the south", or what I've learned from Homecoming:

1) Homecoming is HUGE...sometimes. No really, it's true. For some people homecoming is like the best thing since sliced bread...for others it's just another week. For me...it was just another week...and for most of my friends it was just another week...but...uh...well it was big for someone.

2) Americans like parades. This is true. EVERYONE goes to watch the parade. And for those IN the parade...like me...one wishes they WEREN'T at the parade. Because it is painful...2 miles of pure pain. Constantly moving, feet start hurting, legs cramping...blood...but the PEOPLE love it. I guess savage rituals haven't really ended.

3) Blue Foam makes everything better. It's true. Even when there is thunder, lighting, horrible amounts of rain, blue foam can make everyone happy. I'm not sure how that even works...but...it does. I guess. Not to mention that being in a wide open field is a safety hazard. But taking risks, in hypothermia or burning, is the epitome of Americanism...

4) Sometimes you win some. Yes, it's a fact that is widely accepted in this nation...you can't ALWAYS lose. You have to win eventually. Ironic, since the saying is what goes up must come down, not the opposite. But I suppose Americans have enough money to defy gravity...because...money...can...do that...?

5) Don't forget the most important fact about Homecoming....it's....uh....well it's got to be...uh...people....want...free...food? THAT'S IT! People want food! And when you offer free food, people will flock, it makes economic sense! I HAVE FINALLY DISCOVERED THE TRUE MEANING OF HOMECOMING! IT'S TO EAT A LOT OF FREE FOOD! Oh wait...maybe that's thanksgiving...

I feel like I've finally discovered the meaning of Christmas...except...only this time...I don't really care. But, Homecoming has it's perks, it has it's interesting traditions...and it ended wet and soggy. But still, homecoming is a vital part of American culture...and somehow I'll figure out this whole cultural confusion...sigh...one of these days...it'll make sense.

Signing Off,

Sunday, October 3, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...Make Hot Chocolate.

Yes, this is the truth. If life screws you over, you really should make hot chocolate. Not because It'll make ANYTHING any better, but it'll make you THINK that things are getting better. When, in reality, they really aren't. And you are stupidly doing things, and everything is falling to bits around you. And then you ask yourself...what the heck is your problem. So go ahead. When life gives you lemons, please, please, I beg of you, make Hot Chocolate...because in someways that is better then eating a lemon.

Not that there is anything wrong with Lemons.

In other news, I am about to embark on the wonderful world of: HOMECOMING. -i don't even understand what the heck it is...- All I know is that it makes people giddy to be asked, and apparently when you ask people it makes people happy. Sure...that works? And to go back to the recurring theme here, it's all about making people feel good. Because making people feel good, makes you feel good...or something like that. I think. I have to recheck my "how to be a human" handbook. I keep forgetting.

So homecoming is when our football team (which sucks royally) comes home and plays a team they think they can beat (but they won't) and everyone just goes absolutely ga-ga about it. In fact so badly so...that everyone just completely dresses up like Lady Gaga and dances around to rather nonsensical music. I swear my sarcasm is back in full force. That sucks...for all of you!

So despite my rather indifference to the actually event of Homecoming (think of grad night, but cheaper...but same emotional conviction), and my rather corrupted views of life at the moment, I'm sure that all will work out beautifully. Oh WAIT, scratch THAT is MID-TERM MONTH! OH...CAN YOU SAY STRESS! CAN YOU SAY A WEEK OF NON-STOP REVIEWING AND CRAMMING AND HOPING THAT YOU KNOW YOUR STUFF!? ISN'T THIS FREAKIN' AWESOME!

Sorry, I'm trying to get control on my cap locks...but for some reason it always get out of control. I SHOULD care, but quite frankly I'm beyond caring...it just happens far to much.

But remember, children. I mean Faithful Readers, it's always good to remember who you are, and make good choices. And to think things through, because sometimes if you don't it can bite you in the butt. That's just a general rule, and in no way an allusion to my life right now. Because my life rocks, and I'm just trying to pass off some wisdom you all should try and follow. So...like I've said before...if life gives you lemons....


Signing Off,

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Burn a Sit Com

Hey, Faithful Readers. So after the can of worms i opened last week on based on my comments on this blog (Yes, FRWAAA you are forgiven). I have decided to address another serious issue that plagues our society (How was that for thesis writing 150?)


1) Go to sleep early. No really, sleep and I have completely broken it off. We have officially filed for divorce and the question NOW is, what the heck do I do now. It's like a whole part of my life has just left me...I mean even Calculus didn't do that when I cheated on it for music...kudos for those who remember what I'm talking about.

2) Be wary of SNAP DECISIONS! You never know WHERE these will turn up, or where they will take you. So, if you faced with the snap decisions about study, or cooking dessert or even RUNNING BUDDIES...i advise you take a deep breath...AND JUST GO FOR IT...because then you might end up divorce sleep over it. But please, think through, because sometimes you might end up kicking yourself.

3) Just because ONE assumption was right DOES NOT MEAN that you should CONTINUE to assume things...see previous blog.

4) Reading and Spelling and oh yeah grammar are important. Oh and so is not over-gernalizing. Apparently people can find that offensive...i don't know why Americans would ALWAYS get up TIGHT about CANADIAN AWESOMENESS, but hey, i guess it will always be a mystery. Either that, or people will freak out...stupid Americans.

5) Don't offend americans...apparently they don't like it. Pfft, lame. Canadians don't mind...BECAUSE THEY MAKE FUN OF ME ALL THE TIME! (GUILT GUILT GUILT).

6) People don't like being guilted. That is a direct quote. I don't advise saying it in real life...because you know it's grammatcially incorrect. DEATH GLARE! (not from me, but the kid sitting next to me...am I typing too loud? Yeesh Creep.)

7) Don't write about people on your blog....i don't think the kid sitting next to me appreciates it...LAME! SEE NUMBER 4 LOSERS!

8) Repeat number 5...It's starting to be a bad habit. Oh well, i figure they will get over it.

So it's been a crazy weekend...details to follow shortly. Although, Skype buddies, I advise you go on this week. Cause you know...stuff happens. Oh and remember, CANADA ROCKS!

Glares from the kid beside me again... -.-"

Signing off,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Essays, No Thesis Necessary.

The essay, has been the back-bone of university classes since the beginning of time. So important to classes that at any given time you can walk into a library and see someone slaving through an essay. Each time it becomes more and more apparent that you should also be finishing that essay that you have sitting on the back burner, which needs to be finished...but you somehow don't really want to, and are more willing to not do it and just go else where and have fun. Oh university, why is success so hard to come by?

However, almost as vile as the essay, is something equally terrifying: ASSUMPTIONS! They are arrive in your life and the more you let them fester in your mind, you end up wish you hadn't because suddenly the assumption becomes reality. But yet, you have very little proof that you are correct. I mean think about how many people have been wrong about assumptions through out history...Hitler comes to mind. His assumptions were so horribly wrong (thankfully) that his war crumbled in his hands. Or how about Voldemort? Yeah! I'm pretty sure it was his assumptions that got him killed NOT a little boy with a magical stick and a scar...please, no one would even buy that. Oh wait...they have...and...oh....stupid teenagers...

So, i speak to you, Faithful Reader with an Assumption Addiction, remember FRWAAA, people still love you. But take a stance, just say no. No to assuming that the girl across the hall hates you. No to assuming that the guy who smiled at you wants you to go away. No to assuming that your parents love you. No to assuming that you're life would suck with out him/her. Say no to assumptions and you'll be safer. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, pretty much all ways. No one can hate you if you DON'T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS!!!!

And so members of FRWAAA (i know it does sound like a tribal war cry), remember this acronym poem:

A is for annoying
S is for stupid
S is for seriously? Just stop
U is for use assumptions carefully and frugally
M is for minimally, how often you should use them
E is for everyone who needs to stop

AND REMEMBER YOU CAN! IF YOU TRY! Don't worry FRWAAA members, someone loves you.

Signing Off,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sunk Costs Don't Matter!

Ah Econ. Only in econ, can you be purely cynical and everyone celebrates with you. I mean, only in Econ can you hear your teacher say: that it does not matter how much time you have invested in a relationship, when deciding whether to keep them or not...because SUNK COSTS DON'T MATTER (in plain english: historical costs you have invested, do not matter in decision making...what's done is done...it's water under the bridge...PEOPLE THE PAST DOESN'T MATTER!)...I knew Econ was a sarcastic thing, but heck, now i can be mean to people AND sound smart!

In other news, sleep is being a complete jerk again...

You know those nights you actually go to bed early, and you wake up in the morning feeling SO GOOD, and you swear that animated birds are singing, and that how you are feeling MUST be how disney characters feel whenever they open their eyes, or talk...or move...breathe...die? Anyways, but you also know that feeling when sleep decides to be a complete and total jerk...and it just doesn't get along with you? And no matter how hard you try, you end up sitting awake a 4 in the morning, with a bleeding nose wondering how in the world you are going to be able to function in the morning! Not that I speak out of experience.

Sleep, is over rated, and completely a waste of time...but honestly sleep, let's get back on speaking terms again. Sleep and I have always had a rocky relationship...some nights we're best of friends...and the next thing you know, sleep is all offended and feels ignored, even though you were ONLY A LITTLE late to go to bed...it punishes you for like...entire 3 days? And by the end you are so dead that sleep can pretty much take total advantage of you...if i didn't know any better I would say i'm in a very UNHEALTHY relationship...but sadly, i just can't let sleep go...there is something about sleep that makes me keep crawling back...BUT DARN IT, BREAKING UP WITH SLEEP SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULT.

So, i guess that's my drama...of my life...my ever constant, never ending, always present love-hate relationship with sleep. And despite the amount of time i put into this relationship, it just isn't going to end well....so I guess....i should take my econ professor's advice...and remind myself that it's time to get over sleep and say: SUNK COSTS DON'T MATTER! HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW, JERKFACE!

...yay...it'll take a while...

Sleep you are a cruel mistress!

Signing off

Friday, September 10, 2010

So...What to Do Between Classes?

So, as most university students learn very quickly, sometimes having huge gaps in your schedule ROCKS, and sometimes it's more awkwardly spaced out that you really can't use the time productively. I mean when you have a 3 hour break, you can really be productive and finish your essay for your econ class. However when the break is only an hour and half and it's right during lunch hour...it's not so helpful. Because you spend half your time eat, the rest of your time getting prepped for homework, and the rest wishing you had more time. So, really by the time you get to the end of the half hour break, you have accomplished nothing, and then have to make up for the wasted time later on in the evening.

However, that's hardly a big deal, time is always available right?

WRONG...there is never enough time. Even when you think there is enough...some how it always slips between your fingers.

Alright so it's the end of week two, faithful reader, and it's getting a little exhausting. It's tiring, university. It makes me wonder WHAT I could possible have had worth stressing over in high school. University means you have 3 papers due before september ends...high school means you have 3 papers due before December ends..maybe. University means you have to study in the library, discipline yourself and start studying early. High school means you don't study anywhere but at home...in front of your computer, your discipline is sorta there...if at all, and you don't study early...rather you study EVERYTHING the night before.

So there are major difference between university and high school, but the biggest? I WAS NEVER THIS DEAD BY THE END OF TWO WEEKS OF HIGH SCHOOL, not even grade twelve. I miss grade twelve...it was cute by comparison.

But i'm having a blast. It's fun. You meet people (whom I won't name for issues with privacy...so don't even ask). And I'm enjoying every minute...not every assignment...but every minute. There are people constantly on the move here, each with somewhere to go and there own rather spread out circle of friends. But it's fun, i fully recommend it.

However, for those looking for universities...DO NOT CHOOSE A UNIVERSITY WITH SO MANY STAIRS! MY THIGHS ARE GONNA BE FREAKIN' HUGE BY THE TIME I GET BACK TO CANADA! And no one like huge thighs...it's awkward. But i suppose it's par with the course?

So, what do you do when your stuck between classes? Blog...and facebook...and oh yeah..do homework??? PFFT no. who does that?

Signing Off,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Of Football and Labour Day

So, my faithful CANADIAN Readers, i am if you haven't heard ENJOYING my time down here in the US of A. However there a few MAJOR difference between us and them (and I'm NOT talking about food products...)

Firstly there is football. The first game of the season was this past Saturday...and EVERYONE but a select few went. Now when I say everyone..I MEAN everyone. The traffic was TERRIBLE, the parking lot was over-flowing...and not to mention the fact that everyone was SO EXCITED TO SEE THEIR TEAM WIN. So, Canadians remember the 2010 olympics? You know the ones with the crazy lines, and huge crowds? Yeah...well guess what THIS WAS ALMOST THE SAME THING. Granted the crowd was a little smaller, but the feeling in the air, all the over excited people...it was practically the same...AND THIS HAPPENS EVERY WEEKEND...you'd think that the effect would have worn off by now...but it hasn't.

SECOND: PASTA! Apparently Canadians have an accent...like...seriously...We say things like: Pasta, magazine, bag, rag, hag....you get the picture we say it wrong...or differently. AND get this WE SAY SORRY DIFFERENTLY! LIKE...WHOA! And on top of it all we spell things like labour differently then THEY spell labor...except we already knew that.

Third: KD (enough said...)

Fourth: Labour day. or Labor Day. Canada should really adopt this mentality. AND BEFORE YOU EAT ME for not being gung-ho for Canada hear me out: having labour day off after a week of school makes you appreciate it SO MUCH MORE. It actually feels like a HOLIDAY not a "day before school". WAY DIFFERENT. Like i was SO HAPPY for labour day to come...that I couldn't believe it. Usually Labour day is a day full of anticipation and dread...not so...now it's a day of relaxation and deep breathing. AWESOME!

So..America and Canada are different. In many different ways....whether is school spirit (they put Canada to shame), or food products (Sorry Americans...Canada wins there) or just plain spelling (I LIKE THE 'U'!) But differences lead to conversation and then to friendships...hopefully. SO YOU GOT TO LOVE THE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES!

AND PRAISE THE HEAVENS FOR LABOUR -labor- DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Signing Off

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Break Through a Wooden Board

Here is a great way to relieve stress faithful reader. Just get a piece of wood, grab a partner and have at 'er. Although there a few rules I'd like to go over first:

1) Write Goals on one side of the board:
         This is important. We all need something aspire to! Sometimes we make goals that are too lofty...so be sure to keep them manageable. This is key. But always make sure that you give your all to achieve them, but if you fall short, don't let it get you down. I've made goals, then realized I needed to quickly rearrange them. Too lofty...you doom your self to failure...too shallow...you short change yourself. MAKE MEANINGFUL GOALS!

2) Write Fears on the other side:
         We all have fears about the unknown...called university. Sometimes we have to face our fears so that we can move forward. University is one of those times. Life is full of moments where we won't know where to turn, and we'll walk blindly forward in faith, HOPING that it will get us safely to another place. Fears are nothing more then stepping stones to bigger and better things, you've only got to move passed them. Fears, temptations, obstacles, distractions are everywhere and we've all got up, but don't let them defeat you. 

3) Find A Partner to Hold the Board:
        We don't need to go through life alone. Our fears do not always have to be faced by our selves. We don't always need to achieve our goals via our own power. There are others, different people we can use as resources to help us reach our full potential, lift us when we are feeling down, guide us when we are lost (or blind folded). Life is not an easy road, but people can certainly help make it a little more manageable.

4) Measure the Distance between the board and your Hand so that you will go THROUGH the board, and have the FEARS facing you:
       You've got to over come fears to reach your goals, therefore you've got to break through the board to reach your goals (i know, clever). But the distance between you and the board is key. Too far away you won't reach your goals...and you'll only stay in your fears. Too close and your fears will also stop you. You need to be in the right spot to reach your goals, as it is for everything in life. Be in the right place is sometime key to achieve what you want most in life.

5)Take a Athletic Stance, Touch it Three time with your non-dominant hand, THEN MOVE YOUR DOMINANT HAND THROUGH THE BOARD WITH THE HEEL OF YOUR HAND!

You'll reach you goals, faithful reader. You will. They will come true, with a little work and overcoming some fears you will achieve your full potential. Plus, it's a great stress reliever :D

Signing Off

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Here's To Song, Here's To Time, Here's To Both With Friends Of Mine

Well Reader, it has finally hit me.

I'm actually leaving.

The realization arrived about 12:09 this morning...and much to my dismay...I haven't been able to shake it.

So, I think I need to say a few words.

No, I'm not the only one leaving. No, I'm not the only one in the world to go else where for high education. So i'm not going to talk about moving anxiety. I'm going to miss a lot of people. A lot of priceless friends whom I have grown to love and respect. And perhaps I did not show it, or make it obvious, but beneath all my prickles, sarcasm, cynicism, and biting patronizing, i truly grew to care for each and everyone of you.

I'm going to miss you all terribly. You each have shaped my life in so many ways. From giving me a back bone, to supporting me, to making me laugh, to letting me cry with you, you have poked and prodded, and sanded down my character to a slightly smooth more confident me. You each in your own way (big or small) remind me of how important friendship really is, and how important you each are to me. I will never forget the impact you have made in my life.

So, It may not be much, and may feel impersonal, but I want to say thank you. Life is full of partings, it's unavoidable...so good bye is all that i can say there. But I wish to thank you all, thank you for being my friend,  thank you for trusting in me and letting me trust in you. Thank you for listening to me, and allowing me to listen to you. Thank you for looking past my flaws, ignoring my emotional callouses and being patient with me. Thank you for your kindness, your respect of me, and your love. Thank you for not giving up on me, even when I was ready to give up on myself. Thank you for being my partner in crime, and my guardian angel. Thank you for the laughs and the kleenex, and thank you for being their for me.

We've had a good run, my friends, it's been a crazy adventure. We've seen things we'll never see again, felt things we'll never feel again, and made some awesome memories. Been through rough patches and calm spells, but we've made it. So, remember this, where ever life takes you, and whatever the endevour...I'll be cheering and maybe you won't be able to hear me or see me, but know this, I'm supporting you all the same. I'm going to miss you guys.

I love you guys!

So in closing here is perhaps my favourite "good-bye song":

Here's to song, here's to time
Here's to both with friends of mine
Here's to friend who raise their voices HIGH!

Kings have riches widely lain
Lords have land but then again
We have friends and song no wealth can buy!

Here's to YOU!

Signing Off,

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Send In the Clowns

Perhaps one of them most intriguing songs ever written, Send In The Clowns has been preformed by virtually anyone who wants to be on broadway...yet has remained completely unnoticed...and yet songs like "One Night Stand" keep getting pumped through our local radio stations...go figure.

So times is starting to slip through my fingers. In less then 2 weeks I will be leaving BC...and heading off to the states for 3.5 months...and then coming back for Christmas. Sadly, it's dawned on me, that there are many people I WON'T be seeing again...at least for this year. Many are on vacation, or just too busy for me to see (and for those who are neither...and just avoiding me...I WILL FIND YOU!). So, those who are reading this, I want to tell each of you specifically, yet generally enough so that I don't violate on-line privacy issues, that I will miss you, and I will try and ensure that I stay in touch. But if for what ever reason I don't keep up connections, there will ALWAYS be ONE place to find me.

Right Here. Faithful Reader...right here.

I am going to PROMISE each of you, that this blog will remain running, that it will stay a float, that NOTHING IS GONNA BRING THIS DOWN (or break my stride). This may be the only way (at times) you'll hear from me. So if you want to jog your memory to remember what my voice and sarcastic insights sound like, just come on over to my blog and have a read.

THIS IS MY PLEDGE TO ALL MY FAITHFUL READERS! (Oh and feel free to encourage others to read too). Please continue reading, I appreciate it very much. I'm going to miss you all.

13 days left.

Signing Off,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Grind Crunch Ouch!


So, here I am, the last week of July, and instead of hanging out at a beach or an air conditioned building, I'm spending my time climbing mountains, building muscle, and sweating up a storm. Well...at least i'll LOOK in shape for when I leave for university.

The summer has been moving along very slowly. With very little to take up my time, I am reduced to late night discussions about everything and anything with anyone who will listen. Needless to say, I think my audience is dwindling. But, I'm glad, as always, to have YOU here faithful reader!!!

Here are the Top 10 Conversation of the passed week, in case you weren't part of them:

10) "Snoop-dog"-less version of California Gurls...:O

9) 2011 Championship Steps for Highland Dancing

8) Theories on Good-byes and Friendships.

7) Inception...the best movie ever

6) How NOT to fill up water balloons

5) The usefullness of a year-supply of smarties

4) The wonders of Costco

3) Laundry and Bed sheets

2) How to destroy peas...and hide the evidence

1) "How soon til you leave???"

Well, faithful reader. 3 weeks to go. Yes, time is running out!

Signing Off

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to Waste Your Time 101

With University just around the corner, i figured that i should start thinking in terms of random 3 digit numbers. You know...Intermediate French (part 2) 207....What happened to part 1...or 206? You get the picture.

Summer Job (Part -1) 345:
Non-existent. Well not completely. I do have a paper route (can you say slave money?) and I do get money for winnings at dance competitions. But other then that, I'm sitting pretty with nothing to do, but perhaps I should be relishing in my complete and utter "nothing-to-do-ness"!!!

Skype 451:
So, apparently I have become completely addicted to skype. Perhaps it's because I haven't turned msn on for the past 2 weeks. I'm sure half friends have wondered what has become of me, however I'd like to assure them that I am perfectly fine, other then being half crazed due to boredom. Also, friends who may be reading this, I'd also like to say that just because I have chosen skype over msn, it is NOT a personal slander towards you AT ALL (well...not completely HAHAHA).

Summer Activities 621:
      Pre-reqs: Water Balloon Making 321
                     Evading Danger 235
Yes, summer activities range from the sublime (harvesting peas with Sweekie) to the wonderfully rediculous (THE WORLD'S MOST EPIC WATER BALLOON WAR THIS CITY HAS EVER SEEN!). Of course, you can't just show up for this class...you need to fufill those requirements with AT LEAST AN 80% passing grade. Also, you are expected to be fully warmed up BEFORE each class, no sympathy permitted!

Friends 223:
Granted it's the summer, but remember now is the time to get together with your friends! For some, these may be the final chances you will get for along time to see each other. So this class, although pass or fail, should not be avoided! ATTENDANCE MATTERS!

Enjoying Yourself 456:
Need I explain further? It's the summer, go out and live a little!

So, with only 4 more weeks before I leave to go to university, I figure i've got a LOT to think about before i leave. Heck! I don't want to fail any of these INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT classes! Yes, it may be summer, but time is short people. Before you know it...i'm gonna be GONE! (And trust me, faithful reader, it's gonna be fast! And also, faithful reader...there will be no failing any of these classes either on your part...I DEMAND 100% effort and enthusiasm!)

Signing Off

Monday, July 19, 2010


Summer Time is here, at last.

So, faithful reader, I decided that I should give you a "summer holiday" from my blog, so that you could regroup and find other ways to survive in this world with out my infinite words of wisdom. However, I have also come to the realization that I need to come back, and so here I am ready to make your lives whole again.

Summer is a time for relaxation and recovery. Sadly, I've had very little time for this, as I've spent most of my holidays crammed in a car and driving for HORRIBLY long hours. Needless to say, our destinations seemed to be worthwhile, and our holidays in other states and provinces were extremely enjoyable.

As for finding a summer job, it's been a bust. The common excuse of "no one's hiring" has been the cry of hundred of teenagers this summer, as failure has become increasingly prominent in the hunt for jobs. There is, quite frankly, a nasty shortage. And too many have fallen subject to the will of the labor market.

But, needless to say, summer has started on a high note. And soon i'm off to BYU, and will be saying good bye to the wonderful world of BC before too long. Naturally i'm a little worried, but excited. But truth be told, the reality of where I'm going in the fall and that I'm no longer gonna be here, has yet to hit me. However, when it does, and I'm confident it will very shortly, I will be sure to write to you, faithful reader, and tell you all about it.

So, with July more then half over, and August right around the corner, it seems that time is once again going too fast for any of us. Well for me that is. Perhaps it's cause I haven't had any down time, or perhaps it's because my summer holidays haven't been as exciting or lazy as some, but all I know is, that I haven't fallen prey to the nasty symptoms of "Cabin Fever". Too many of my friends are already starting to show the signs!

Well, That's it for tonight Faithful Reader. It's good to be back.

Signing Off

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Here we are. We've made it. High school is officially over and now all we can do is look forward to the future. Granted I'm going to miss each and everyone of you, for reasons most-likely expressed in your year book, a chance for a new start seems all the more inviting.

We've known this day was coming. Since the beginning of Kindergarten, all those long 13 years ago, we've been counting down the days til we were given the chance to walk across the stage, accept our diploma and graciously and effortlessly move the tassel from one side of our head to the other. We've come so far.

Sure along the way, we've built friendships. Built ties that would last forever. We all met people who shaped us and helped us become who we are today. Sometimes it was a teacher (that grade 4 teacher who taught you something so profound you've never forgotten it), sometimes it was a friend (that friend who was there for you no matter what and would do anything for you) and sometimes it just a complete stranger who just wanted to do something kind. Whatever the person, the case or the situation, we each have been shaped, hopefully for the better, but definitely for good!

Now along the way there have been bumps and mess-ups. We've fallen down, and scratched our knees, and sometimes needed a little extra push to stand up again, but we still did. We got back up and pushed through the trials, usually with trusted friends to help push through the barricades.

Grad is a time to look back, on all the times we've had together, the good and the bad, but is also a time to look forward. Many of us are heading off to universities that span cities and continents, others are jumpstarting their careers, and others are going out to find themselves through some first-hand experiences. We have reached a milestone, but remember it's not a pit stop. We've got to keep going forward!

So i'm going to miss you all. Each and everyone of you! Each of you have played such an important role to me, that in a way I'm bummed its over. No more will I see you everyday. No more will my sarcastic comments and views haunt your every action. No more will I be there to laugh with you through the good times and cry with you through the bad. Granted I'm only a country away, it's still not going to be the same.

So, as we go on...we remember...all the good times we had together. Cause it has been good. It's been FANTASTIC! And we've had awesome lives so far. So i'm keen on the future. And I will never forget you!

This is my memento to 2010, Please don't forget me.

Signing Off,

Monday, June 7, 2010

Season Fanale part 2

So, grad night has come and gone. And since then life has calmed considerably. Projects are in the process of being completed and everyone is scrambling to get it all finished.

But here's what happened at Grad Night:

The three hour limo ride was enjoyable, comical, memorable, and even a little bit interesting. We were obnoxious and blasted over-played pop tunes for the whole downtown core to hear. It was a beautiful day, so there are pictures galore of us gathered together for photographic evidence that we were infact enjoying ourselves.

Then we arrived at the hotel. Each of us managed to get ourselves into the building and take even MORE photos. Then we all found our seats (which to our horror were not numbered...causing supreme chaos to unfold...but luckily the problem was quickly solved). Listened to a 10 minute speech while we all just wanted to eat. My table (in typical fashion) was last to get food, but it didn't seem to matter. We all ate our over priced food and enjoyed it...mostly. Then came dissert, more photos, and music.

Then the dancing started. And after an over-kill of fast songs...the DJ played slow songs. And I showed up everyone in the room with my amazing slowdance abilities (none of that awkward middle school hands on waiste, hands on shoulders crap...it was LEGIT dancing...twirling and all!). Needless to say I impressed most of the female population at grad. ;)

Then after a few "dress mishaps", a rather awkward experience involving foreshadowing, thanks returned via having someones babies, ball and chain syndromes, dying flowers, and of course my "broken" toe (which didn't cause TOO much trouble for me), we all returned to the school for aftergrad (while I went home). And then we all managed to enjoy the remaining few days of "grad weekend" each in our own special way....job hunting....sigh!

So, did I enjoy grad? After months of reading my gripes, and rants, and disgruntled prejudices towards the evening...did I enjoy myself?

Well reader, I'm afraid, that will always remain a mystery.

Signing Off,

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Yes, Dedicated reader, the season fanale is FINALLY HERE! The event that I have ranted about, complained about, griped about, dreaded, stressed over, awaited, and even hoped for has finally arrived: GRAD NIGHT 2010!

The lanyards came, and my job is over. And I can just enjoy this night, and PRAY nothing goes wrong with the table arrangements or the chocolate fountains (or both).

And, as I know you are, extremely observant reader, you are correct! It IS only 2:00pm in the afternoon when I am writing this. AND YES, grad does not start for another 4 hours. AND YES! The limo doesn't pick me up for another hour...SO i thought I'd do TWO ENTRIES today. One before grad (to get all of you as pumped as me) and one after grad (to tell you what REALLY went down).

So to start things off, everything seems to be in order...other then the fact that I've almost broken my toe...well it really just hurts...alot! I was running on a playground and slipped...and somehow...hurt my toe. Weird thing is...I have NO CLUE how I did that...it just doesn't make sense...BUT nevertheless, I hope that my sore toe will NOT give me TOO much trouble.

But, have no fear, Faithful Reader, I have gotten everything else. I've got the flowers, the suit, the ride, the excitement. Yup...."OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY...EVERYTHING'S GOING MY WAY!" <--------------Oklahoma (The Musical).

So, Reader, I hope that you are now JUST as excited as I. For a more detailed view at what is happening AT GRAD read previoius blog posts because most of them have the gory details.

Signing Off,

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shhh...Grad is only a week away!!!!

So, there are plenty of pictures up on facebook which show the wonderfully good time the grads of 2010 are having in various schools, and about this time next week a similar phenominon of insane picture uploading will take place, because it is the grad dinner dance of MY school.

The Lanyards are still no where to be found.

Well, they ARE on their way, so I am confident that they will arrive monday morning, and all will be well.

I spent most of my morning filming for a "music video" for guitar class, in which I dragged two of my friends and my younger sister to act out some stuff. All in all, it's gonna be one INTENSE music video (complete with weeping, fight scenes, and skipping in the rain...what more could you ask for?)

With school almost over, I'm beginning to realize how frivilous some of these projects truely are. Granted I'm still a keener and will be doing everything I can to get the grades, but I'm starting to loose interest in these types of "express your learning" projects I seem to be getting in more abundance these days.

That being said, I am officially getting ready for grad. Yes, my faithful reader, that means NO-EXCITEMENT GRAD HATER has now become: SEMI-EXCITED GRAD ACCEPTER (in real terms...Grad is gonna be...better then nothing :D). Chocolate fountains, chocolate fundraisers, cheap and corny lanyards, grad dates, and budding "romances", is what I have to look forward to for grad night. Maybe "semi-excited" is too strong...Barely-excited! Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

Alright...fine. Grad ISN'T going to be so terrible. And i'm sure once I get their I'll have a brilliant time. But until that time, just let me have my moments of "GRAD ANGST" before the real thing. That way, I won't have them DURING the night (which I'm sure about half the grads will have...THANK HEAVEN for seat switching...and on that note if you ARE going to switch, YOU MUST SWITCH WITH ANOTHER PERSON! NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS!!!!!!!)

Well that's all faithful reader,

Signing Off,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So...Season Finales...NOT FOR GLEE!

So, granted there are still three episodes left of Glee (including the one tonight) it is the ONLY show that has NOT ended in the past week. With hospital shooters for two hours, confusing endings that explained nothing and irked thousands of views who do not ENJOY being lost! Or staying up til 11 to watch semi-famous people win dancing with the "randoms"? So when you are at loss as to what to do with themselves on a cold lonely tuesday night, just switch on a TV and watch your favourite show come to a grinding halt for a good 6 months, and hope their opening can live up to your expectiations.

And then there is glee. Tonight is Gaga night. Costumes, craziness, birthmother drama. Glee is NOT ending...well not yet. But it will, like anything on TV, it will end. But we still have two more episodes to enjoy the sights and sounds of Glee. So for all those NOT converted to the GLEE-CAUSE, it's time to jump on the band-wagon, cause you've only got two more weeks to do so.

And besides, what are you doing wasting your life on frivolous random TV shows? You should be studying! You should be sleeping! YOU SHOULD NOT EVEN BE READING MY BLOG!!!!! (but I do enjoy the attention).

So, whether you are procrastinating the completetion of your final project, or just so depressed because your favourite show has now been temporarily ended, enjoy these moments of "wasted time" because they are probably the only moments of relaxation any of those in highschool will be getting any time soon.

Signing Off,

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A weekend of Going Downtown

It appears, that whenever I go down town Vancouver I always go like three days in a row. Don't ask me why, but it's just something I do. It's a strange thing, but I don't think i've ever gone down town before with out having other days following in which I will return there. It's kinda odd.

In other news, apparently grad ticket sales AREN'T over O.o

Basically this means, that I get to spend one more fun-filled lunch hour dealing with grad twelves who desperately want to get to grad, but weren't able to pay during the whole WEEK we granted them time. So we are giving them a little grace period. Hopefully it won't be too hectic, or stressful, or tramatic, or dramatic...or any number of combinations of those.

Grad is two weeks away, and things are wrapping up quickly. English essays, french projects, Valdictorian speeches, guitar music video, guitar final project, another english prezi, probably one more french project ALL BEFORE JUNE 18 O.O which is for all those counting a glorious 19 days away. Time is running out, but somehow its all gonna get done...don't ask me how.

But this week has killed me and it was only four days, I don't know how much more of this I can take. But i'm surviving....somewhat.

Signing Off,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pet Peeves and Smothering

Ah yes, spring is in the air. Can't you see it? It's every where you look. Students who are just so tired that motivation has completely died, and therefore work ethic has dissolved into a terrifying diseray of commotion. Granted of course, it is magnified twenty fold by the fact that everyone is either so emotional or hormonal they don't know what do with themselves. I honestly have no idea what's going on...no joke.

Granted, my life has been pretty epic. Very little to complain about. I'm just plodding along, doing what I can to keep my head up. With only 4 weeks to go, I figure I can hold on til then. However, I'm not sure how strong the grips of my friends are, some of them are at their wits end.

I naturally assumed that with Grad Sales over, things might settle down. That people would calm down, and that nothing would go wrong, that grad would come and everything would be "honky-dory" and we'd all survive the final weeks of grade 12 with fond memories. Sadly, it looks as though this is not the case. Stress is high, emotions are bubbling over, people are wearing out, and yet life somehow keeps going at its blistering pace, leaving an worrisome amount of carnage in its wake.

Now I wish that there was something I could do that could eleviate some of the stress and tension that seems to be brewing as of late, but sadly, there really isn't anything I can do. In reality, it's up to them. So i'll help where I can, I'll listen. I'll just be a friend. But as for sympathy, as for pity, as for useless empathy, you won't be getting much of that from me. Action is MUCH more useful.

Let the Count Down Begin: 22 more days

Signing Off

Thursday, May 13, 2010

That's 4 for table 5 and 6 for table 8

Ah, I should totally go into the fast food business. It seems that my friends and I are getting quite good at yelling numbers out for tables. We've got it down to a system.

With ticket sales only a day from completion and 300 seats to be distributed, the grad dinner and dance 2010 for my high school has technically already started. The hype has anyways. Dresses, make-up, dates, guests (oh yes there is a difference), date drama, guest drama (oh yes there IS a difference) and of course hair. And then the guys are just along for the ride. Granted of course, most of the guys are more excited for the After grad. I, personally, am not going to After grad, but I've heard some great things about what's gonna be happening. So for all those one the fence, just pay the additional $35, it's a one in a life time opportunity...plus where ELSE are you going to be able to stick yourself to a Velcro wall...at 3:30 in the morning...AND BE SOBER!??!?!?!

Oh and reader, there will probably only be 3-4 more blogs about the grad dinner dance, so yes, the count down has begun.

The school, it seems, has taken a collective sigh of relief. Apparently everyone was super busy ALL at the same time. NOT surprising, considering there were AP exams to write, scholarships to apply for, huge projects to be completed, grad to organize, keepsakes to order, provincial competitions for pretty much every sport happened in the first two weeks of May. So it's not a shocker that everyone has decided to take this week a little slower, plus the beautiful weather is certainly a plus.

It's amazing how fast its all gone (cue "I Will Remember You"). I mean it feels like just last year we were all entering the school, blissfully ignorant to all the fun times and excitement that lay in store. We blindly followed our tour guides on that first day, contemplating where we would find our selves. Among the achievers? Among the Athletes? Among the music kids? No one really thinking too heavily of the future, so memories are not really stored for that later day when we might need them.

Of course, grades nine and ten whisked by (cue "As we go on") friendships were made, broken, refurbished. We all worked at our own speeds and paces, but all made it to the destination: grade 11. It was then we realised to our horror, that there was a life after high school, and we had better start applying ourselves and seriously thinking about it. Some had chosen their career in grade 6 others had no clue. But all began the terrifying ascent to grade 12.

Upon reaching the tip-top of the high school experience (Cue "Good Riddance") some with scholarships in hand, others with personal gratification that they had successfully made it to graduation, a collective sigh of relief and joy could be heard. "We made it." Even more then that: "We ARE the champions...of the world!" We made the most of these four years, and we've got friends and memories to show for it. So now, as friends separate to go on to bigger and better things, be it Ottawa, Provo, Quebec, Burnaby, Vancouver, Richmond, Ontario, or many other post-secondary organizations, let us not forget the ties we've made, the friendships we've nurtured and the memories we've created. It may only be high school, and good byes may be part of life, but this truly was "the time of our lives".

GRAD 2010!

Signing Off,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh...The Canucks

Grad...the Canucks...AP exams...and those DANG KIDS WHO ARE IN STRATFORD (LUCK BUTTS :D :D) 

I'm not going to talk about the Canucks...(win or loose, my already limited faith in them is dwindling)

However, let's discuss grad for a minute. It's pretty much here. And with it, the end of the year...and the future. I am starting to worry that my lack of enthusiasm towards grad is going to seriously poison the amount of fun I have on the night. And despite previously stated apprehensions toward this evening, I am more concerned that I am going to spend the night complaining, criticizing, stressing, or worrying. None of which grad should be about. Grad should be about spending time with friends, some of which you will probably never see much again after that night. I've already had a attitude overhaul towards grad, but now I worry that I just don't have ENOUGH feeling towards it any more. I worry that I'll arrive at grad, the music will blare, I'll eat my over priced food and watch the six hours evaporate and leave me wondering what I did at grad in the first place? 

It's not apathy towards grad...that's even to strong a feeling. I just don't have ANY. It's a night I've helped organize that for some reason I have already filed under "passed tense". Even dislike towards grad would be accepted, but I don't have hate. I don't feel irked because of high ticket prices (there is nothing we could do, we tried to fundraise). I don't feel choked because of limos (I need to get to grad somehow, and well i've already paid. SO it's a way to get there). I don't feel stressed about ticket sales. I don't feel displeased with any of my fellow grad committee members (who have ALL done a great job, by the way. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU). I just don't feel anything. Grad is grad...and grad is one night. 

So, I'll be there. I'll put a smile on my face. I'll drink my water, and I'll eat my personally-carved meat. I'll dance, and I'll talk to friends. But...none of this...for some rather unsettling reason is building up any burning desire to go to grad. If fact given the choice between sleep and grad...right now...i'd take sleep. (Is that concerning to anyone else?)

Signing Off,

Sunday, May 2, 2010


For those avid readers of my blog who DON'T understand what the letters TYC mean, you will be EXTREMELY confused while you read this. But do read anyways.

TYC: INTENSE, UNFORGETTABLE, AND THE BEST 3 DAYS OF MY LIFE! -sorry grad but you are going to pale in comparison...you don't even stand a chance.

The memories that were made this weekend are irreplaceable, and there is nothing anyone could do or say that could make me forget the feelings that I felt, the words that I heard, the people I met, or even the fun that I had. It was a very special weekend.

Usually at church events, I feel awkward and out of place. I feel as if I am somewhat not accepted. Usually, I find church events rather difficult because I feel as if I missed something that everyone else knows. But not this weekend. Not at TYC. TYC was completely the opposite. I felt included, I felt accepted, I felt like everyone was cheering for me JUST as loudly as I was cheering for them. TYC was the best church youth function I have ever been to, and it's made me excited for church and youth again. I feel that I need to be better. A better example, a better friend, a better person. I have become convinced that what I was before TYC is someone that I have left in the passed, and now I just want to do my best...in everything.

Now before you jump to conclusions and think that I've done something terrible, don't worry. I'm not ashamed of who I was before TYC, I just WANT to be even better! And since there is always an option to be better why not take it.

"WE WILL CARRY ON!!!" ~ Relief Society Song (Lower Mainland Girls)

I made new friends, I strengthened ties with old friends. I learned that sometimes dodging the line is ok (ie make-up...shudder) and when dodging the line isn't cool (ie for lunch -glower-). It was a show of a life time, the buzz back stage and in the dressing room was intense, and I wouldn't trade the time I spent at TYC for anything...except for maybe another day added on.

"THIS IS OUR TEMPLE! We were chosen for this"~ My phrase of the weekend.

"This is the house of the Lord...Lift up your voices and sing!"~ Finale Song Ending.

My apologies grad dinner dance, but there is no way you are going to be able to top this, so don't even try. In my books you are already number 5 of most exciting events in my life...and that's the highest you (Grad) can go...sorry :P

Signing Out,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

As I Calmly Wait for Glee To Load

Because my house has a strict NO TV policy in place my ability of being able to view glee has become subject to the feelings of the internet. Apparently the internet doesn't like me much. It freezes, stalls, restarts, stalls, quits, dies, fails, and anything else it can dream up. So, i suppose you could say that the internet just doesn't want me to watch Glee. Which I guess I can sort of understand...except I don't. WHY IS THE INTERNET TRYING TO DEPRIVE ME MY CHANCE TO WATCH GLEE??? No glee makes me upset...and means that half of my friends will spoil the show for me...bother.

But what can you do, if internet says no...I must simply wait it out. -jerks-

In other news. Remember that guitar class I have? The one where I said it would be a slack class? Yeah...apparently I was wrong. Tomorrow we have presentations, now I'm good with presentation, I even have a HUGE BIG presentation ready which I was totally pumped to give until oh about 30 minutes into the class this morning. Of the three presentations we saw ALL were casual, semi-prepared and pretty good. Now it makes my idea seem WAY too over the top. Which means that my bad guitar playing will show through...unless I just go with what I had planned anyways. It was gonna be a News Cast, a presentation with momentum, told from July 20th, 2000, rather then currently in a guitar class...Maybe I'll still go through with it. I think it would be a good idea...

Sigh, Glee is STILL loading.

What else? Oh, we haven't had any substantial english homework for the past 4 days...I am deeply concerned. And I MEAN DEEPLY! There is no way our teacher who's reputation is built on the giving of homework would suddenly stop...unless she was lulling us into a false sense of security just so she can drop the biggest bomb shell EVER! I'm not talkin' homework people, I am talking MEGA-PROJECT bomb shell. It's coming...I can feel it...but of course she won't admit to a thing, and all of us are left guessing.

My Guitar Hero is Carlos Santana...thought you all should know. He's done a lot for the musical world! His style was never clearly defined by what the musical genres of the time were, as he combined Jazz, Rock and Latin into a intense combo that pretty much was a genre all of its own. And of course critics of the late 60's and 70's hated it, saying he was sitting on the fence, not choosing to be truly Jazz or Rock...odd seeing as Rock at the time was just experimentation...you'd think they'd be pretty accepting. Of course by the time the 80's rolled around, you know the heavy metal era, Santana was STILL going strong his records were reaching top 20 or top 10 doing the same thing he always did, combining and experimenting to create bigger and better things. Add more electric guitar but not being afraid to keep the Latin/Jazz combo strong what just what a generation of youth wanted. By the 90's, Santana was still playing his music, at a time where superstar 80's musicians were falling behind boybands and girlbands in popularity, Santana's popularity only increased. By 1999 he got his first #1 album in the US with SMOOTH (it went platinum) it was followed by Maria Maria a year later ALSO getting #1 in the US and also going platinum. Even as recent as 2008 has Santana been creating and making music, and his popularity hasn't died. His is a message of dedication, risk-taking and a little bit of stubbornness, but artist love to jam with him to learn from his styles and he from theirs. Santana's music is constantly changing and growing, but it still has the same latin/jazz feel lying at its roots.

That's basically what my presentation is gonna be for Guitar tomorrow! (wow...that sounds SO BORING)


AP tests are coming up...yeah I'm starting to feel the pinch. It's gonna be one WILD ride as those start coming up. I dunno how I'm going to do on them, but I plan to give up a lot of free time to get some studying done. Granted I only have one...and it's Calc. But this could make or break me for university...this it the big times!

Ugh, forget this, I'll stop boring you people, and watch the loading bar move at its snail pace...grumble...

Signing Off,
Gleeless DG

Friday, April 16, 2010

When You See My Face...(you know the words)

So, I've officially finished BRAVE NEW WORLD, and sadly I did not enjoy it. Compared to 1984, I felt like that every thing the characters did was either pointless OR insane. The "utopia" bothered me. Barnard, Helmholtz, John, Lenina, Henry, Linda, the Director...ALL bothered me. No one liked to think...I felt like my very ideals were being...forced to watch a badly filmed movie. Technically, it was VERY well written, it just didn't connect with me. Oh well :(

So, the decisions been reached...we are getting the chocolate fountain. A chocolate fountain and fruit making our dinner a wonderful price of $90. SWEET! But, what can you do? Grad is grad, and EVERY ONE LOVES IT, and they'd pay anything for it...sadly...:(

Scholarship nonsense: if me and a date wear a dress and tux made COMPLETELY out of duct tape, I could win money! I'm not going to do it, but it certainly does sound like fun. SOOO, if anyone out there is craving to wear duct tape to THEIR grad it could be fun. (Plus it's cheaper then going out a whole new dress...think about it!!!)

Today has been extremely productive...Ah, I love pro-D days....of course half of you university students are already done...-.-" <------ asian face of jealousy.

Alright, that's it for tonight

Signing Off,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We've been missing her for months. We've rehashed her lines over a million times, and they never seem to get old. Miss. Sue Sylvester forced her way into her hearts with lines like "I broke my blender, making a smoothie out of whale bones." and "I'm going to steal into your house and punch you in the face" and of course "and that's how Sue "C"s it" and never released its death grip.

So when I turned on my crappy internet connection to the new glee episode I was pleased to see that my favourite, heartless cheerleading coach was back, and ready to destroy another 3 months of wonderful gleeing. Yes, I was pleased beyond belief. Oh and the songs were good too.

But, once you get past the whole heartwarming effect of glee, you sadly realize reality goes on...why? I would MUCH rather prefer to have people singing random covers over semi-popular songs, faking pregnacies, lying about baby fathers, and above all a crazy group of teachers who just don't seem to get it that glee club isn't everything. Yeah, that DOES sound pretty sweet, but alas this is not the case. Instead I have to fight the war of Pop or Chocolate Fountain...to which everyone wants chocolate fountain...to which I say that's $90 i'll never see again. But then again, what's grad compared to fictional characters on the brink of constant drama? Nothing! THANK YOU GLEE, for helping keep perspective.

But really folks, lets look at the wonderful world of grad for a moment. It's ONE NIGHT! A night of wonderful memories that you can't put a price tag on...that I have no problem with. But why are people SO WILLING to fork over large amounts of money for things that will only stand around and look nice? For instance, lets examine this chocolate fountain for a moment. It's gonna look nice. It's going to arrive RIGHT at 8. And it will have enough fruit to feed us. But then what? We end up with a nice looking fountain that serves no purpose because there is nothing to DIP into the boil mass of steaming chocolate. However, I still end up having to PAY for it to take up space...that's $12 a person...bumping your meal from $75 to $87. In my mind, it will only end up looking pretty...but be completely useless. I could be wrong...but when I can spend $7 for unlimited soft drinks and only have a meal of $82, that in my mind will prove to be a better "bang for you buck". Memories may not be formed over the softdrinks, but there won't be very many more memories formed over the chocolate fountain either...

Food for thought.

Signing off,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A BRAVE NEW WORLD!!!!!! (No really, do close your eyes)

No, this is not a messed up reference to the classic Disney song: WHOLE new world, it is an ALLUSION to a novel, about a dystopian society. I think our teacher has developed a secret taste for forcing people to think the same way and not to complain about (and if they do, they DIE!!!!). Either that or they actually have decent plots and are important to our literary development (I'll go with the latter, i don't think my English Teacher HAS a room 101 at her disposal... I hope).

In other news, this weekend has been, like most others, a calm and rather organized affair. With minimal studying for my calculus exam (may 5th), barely started Brave New World (needs to be done by April 20th) AND haven't studied at ALL for my english exam on monday. I am SO prepared, sometimes I even amaze myself.

I guess you could easily say that this weekend has been one procrastination, BUT it also has been one of Celtic concerts, practising for a show my church will be putting on, AND catching up on much needed sleep. No matter how you put it, I have done what is MOST important.

I am said to say, that tonight's blog is brief, but do not be dismayed, there will be more to come. I'm sure ONE of my friends will do something stupid, that's I'll JUST HAVE to tell they world about. It will probably even happen next week.

Signing off,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Glee -Alright, it's not QUITE yet

It's back...finally. Coming on Tuesday April 13th to a CTV or FOX near you! GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE!!!! -sigh-

Enough of that. It seems grad has decided to show its fury. With little over two months to go we are starting to sweat. No keepsake (yet...cause I NEED SOME ANSWERS!), no fundraising (WE ARE STARTING NEXT WEEK!) no ticket sales (THOSE ARE IN MAY!), and no chocolate fountain (DO WE REALLY NEED ONE?). Not only that, but those nasty grad transitions are starting to make people angry. Well not ME, cause I finished mine...like last summer -THAT'S RIGHT!-

School work, is of course, back in full swing! In french, i've had two days with no homework...should I be worried? In Accounting, I've spent two days doing virtually nothing...so today I started a novel. If this keeps up I'll have the novel done by next month. In guitar, I've FINALLY picked a famous guitarist. In English, we've had 4 tests, 5 homework assignment, 2 essays, and 1 poem. Yeah, English has really started the uphill climb. -ooof-

Oh, and remember the LACK of drama we were all revelling in. WELL, it's STILL NOT HERE! Not really any ways. Limos have been happily booked, Friendships have been secretly and efficiently patched, even ditching grad dates have been dealt with swiftly and silently. All in All, its been good.

Signing Off,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I've Been Workin' On the Railroad...

My Spring break check list has been slowly completed. Well I haven't really started my french project but that's cause I have a whole month in which I can finish it, no big deal. Finished 1984. Must admit, room 101, SCARY PLACE (where can I get one???---> I kid...i hope). Started studying for my calculus exam in may, that's gonna be fun. O.o...

In other news, spring break weather has been a bit bi-polar. We almost had shorts and t-shirt weather. But then we didn't. It's been rainy, windy, sunny, cold, warm(ish), and it even hailed. I, like the weather, have been amazingly bi-polar. Needless to say, today i realized I've developed a unnatural distaste towards people. Wait, not people, unMOTIVATED people.

But, i'm not going to rant.

I never rant.


Easter is coming. My birthday is coming. TYC is coming. Stress is coming. Although, i'm not really sure why. I just have this uneasy feeling that everything is going to fall flat on its face in a minute, and I'm going to have to pick up the pieces. ALTHOUGH, i can say this, my friends have been very good at not being unmotivated. They are in my good books. YAY for you, all those who call themselves my friend, give your self a pat on the back. -THIS MEANS YOU READER!-

Enjoy your well-diserved pattings,

Signing Off,

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wind Storm? Isn't it almost April?

So I'm sure you all were fully aware/awake of/for the windstorm we experienced. It was rather enjoyable listening to the creaks, groans, and moaning of trees outside (yes they were actually moaning). Needless to say, I guess March is going out like a lion (didn't it come in like a lion too...rip-off).

Spring Break, gotta love it. It's the only holiday where my days are free but my evenings are not. Which is kinda ironic, but sadly true. It really shows how busy I am in the evenings when i contrast it with the vast nothing-ness of spring break.

Today I choose housing for BYU. Entertaining...sort of. We had to watch a video on how to "get you perfect bed", which i'm pretty sure was useless, because the instructions ARE RIGHT THERE...and the voice was incredibly monotone. So today...at 2:30 I get to pick where I will be living come September. (Which is really not that far away O.o)

So, I went to Kelowna. Yes, I decided to spend my first weekend of Spring Break going somewhere colder then Vancouver (which is quite an accomplishment seeing the windstorm we had last night). Kelowna was...as it always is whenever we do this annual trip, a semi-pain in which you always leave HATING the city, yet somehow always end up going back. It's like the relationship that you just can't out of cause you semi enjoy it, and have a death-wish.

Oh and I'm reading 1984. Yeah..that's about all I can say about it.

So, that was my first weekend of spring break. It was...eventful...ish, exciting...ish, and rather enjoyable...ish. Yes, this was a weekend of "ish"es. We'll see how the rest of the week goes...

Signing Off,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poor Wandering Ones

Oh yes, Musicals. GOTTA LOVE 'EM! Now i'm NOT talking about those typical highschool musicals (not to be confused with that travesty with Zac Efron... WHICH I WILL NEVER REFER TO!) like Grease, Bye Bye Birdie, or even Fiddler on the Roof, I am talking about hardcore musicals. WICKED, SWEENEY TODD, INTO THE WOODS, WEST SIDE STORY...and FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (sometimes). Really if it hasn't been attempted by highschool students, then it's still hard core.

But onto other things.

I have gotten a scholarshop to BYU. That's good. Shaves the price down a little. So I'm happy.

Moreover, I think I should try and write a musical. You know, full of love, hate, yelling, death, and perhaps an Island that holds countless number of people...who all seem to think that they are never going to be saved...oh wait...that's already a drama...dangit!

Well...perhaps a musical isn't such a good idea...perhaps a teen fic then...-gag-


Signing Off.
P.S. I'm adding periods to the end of sentences. It. Adds. Emphasis.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break...or a lack thereof

We didn't get the olympics off. We didn't get the second week fo march off. WE didn't even get the THIRD week off. We get the forth week off. And it is part of Easter. -curse you stupid school district!-

In other news, things are chugging along towards grad. Grad committee is in FULL swing, and so grad is ready! Limo is ready, dresses are ready, tuxes are ready...even fundraisers are ready...BUT WAIT! ...grad isn't for another 2 months...-.- wow...

Meanwhile, this week I went through a word craze. I was absorbing words like CRAZY! Obdurate...obsequious...osculate....wonk....hoyden...it's been fun. Needless to say, that my reputation of not COMPLETELY a geek as been basically obliterated. Completely.

With spring break being so late, it's becoming apparent to all those within the school, that they are getting tired. SO with 4 more official classes before we head off for 11 days, everyone is hitting the brick wall...literally. We are tired, we are weary...and above all...WE ARE THE ONLY DISTRICT NOT TO HAVE HAD SPRING BREAK YET!!!! -frustration voiced here-

My goals for my spring break:
2) Read 1984 (english homework)
4) Prep for a French Oral Presentation

you'll notice the theme.

Signing off,
a dejected DG

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Divergent and Convergent Planes...of interest

J'avais voulu ecrire mon blog en francais aujour'dhui mais...j'ai decide ecrire en anglais. Although, i should try and do that one of these days...maybe...

My english class has finally started one my most beloved units of ALL time, POETRY! WAIT READER! COME BACK! I know, I know, people HATE dealing with poetry. Poetry is hard to understand. It's hard to write, and ABOVE ALL, it's just a bunch of drivel on a page.

MAIS NON! C'est belle, c'est magnifique! Je l'adore!

-oh sorry about that, back to english-

Poetry is SO much more. Really it's just a way of writing that is attempted by many, and failed by many. Very few can successfully write a powerful poem. I certainly cannot. My poems, from time to time, are good enough to write twice, however that rarely happens. Most of the time, I'd give MY poems a good 4 out 6. Nothing more.

Of course there are those with NATURAL talent when it comes to the english language, and to them, I say: Vous avez recu un cadeau spectaculaire, et j'espere que vous le savez!

Alright, enough of the french...

Ce blog est fini maintenant, au revoir.

P.S. here is a poem i wrote:

Amber Chang likes this:
Who, pray tell, is Amber Chang? What does she like?
What is "this" and who is she? Another captured soul, no doubt,
within this complex spider web, a network of lines,
Of sticky strands, linking others refusing to be free;
Like the frog in boiling water, contented not to jump, he likes the heat.
Oh Facebook, thou art a heartless mistress!