Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Burn a Sit Com

Hey, Faithful Readers. So after the can of worms i opened last week on based on my comments on this blog (Yes, FRWAAA you are forgiven). I have decided to address another serious issue that plagues our society (How was that for thesis writing 150?)


1) Go to sleep early. No really, sleep and I have completely broken it off. We have officially filed for divorce and the question NOW is, what the heck do I do now. It's like a whole part of my life has just left me...I mean even Calculus didn't do that when I cheated on it for music...kudos for those who remember what I'm talking about.

2) Be wary of SNAP DECISIONS! You never know WHERE these will turn up, or where they will take you. So, if you faced with the snap decisions about study, or cooking dessert or even RUNNING BUDDIES...i advise you take a deep breath...AND JUST GO FOR IT...because then you might end up divorce sleep over it. But please, think through, because sometimes you might end up kicking yourself.

3) Just because ONE assumption was right DOES NOT MEAN that you should CONTINUE to assume things...see previous blog.

4) Reading and Spelling and oh yeah grammar are important. Oh and so is not over-gernalizing. Apparently people can find that offensive...i don't know why Americans would ALWAYS get up TIGHT about CANADIAN AWESOMENESS, but hey, i guess it will always be a mystery. Either that, or people will freak out...stupid Americans.

5) Don't offend americans...apparently they don't like it. Pfft, lame. Canadians don't mind...BECAUSE THEY MAKE FUN OF ME ALL THE TIME! (GUILT GUILT GUILT).

6) People don't like being guilted. That is a direct quote. I don't advise saying it in real life...because you know it's grammatcially incorrect. DEATH GLARE! (not from me, but the kid sitting next to I typing too loud? Yeesh Creep.)

7) Don't write about people on your blog....i don't think the kid sitting next to me appreciates it...LAME! SEE NUMBER 4 LOSERS!

8) Repeat number 5...It's starting to be a bad habit. Oh well, i figure they will get over it.

So it's been a crazy weekend...details to follow shortly. Although, Skype buddies, I advise you go on this week. Cause you know...stuff happens. Oh and remember, CANADA ROCKS!

Glares from the kid beside me again... -.-"

Signing off,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Essays, No Thesis Necessary.

The essay, has been the back-bone of university classes since the beginning of time. So important to classes that at any given time you can walk into a library and see someone slaving through an essay. Each time it becomes more and more apparent that you should also be finishing that essay that you have sitting on the back burner, which needs to be finished...but you somehow don't really want to, and are more willing to not do it and just go else where and have fun. Oh university, why is success so hard to come by?

However, almost as vile as the essay, is something equally terrifying: ASSUMPTIONS! They are arrive in your life and the more you let them fester in your mind, you end up wish you hadn't because suddenly the assumption becomes reality. But yet, you have very little proof that you are correct. I mean think about how many people have been wrong about assumptions through out history...Hitler comes to mind. His assumptions were so horribly wrong (thankfully) that his war crumbled in his hands. Or how about Voldemort? Yeah! I'm pretty sure it was his assumptions that got him killed NOT a little boy with a magical stick and a scar...please, no one would even buy that. Oh wait...they have...and...oh....stupid teenagers...

So, i speak to you, Faithful Reader with an Assumption Addiction, remember FRWAAA, people still love you. But take a stance, just say no. No to assuming that the girl across the hall hates you. No to assuming that the guy who smiled at you wants you to go away. No to assuming that your parents love you. No to assuming that you're life would suck with out him/her. Say no to assumptions and you'll be safer. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, pretty much all ways. No one can hate you if you DON'T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS!!!!

And so members of FRWAAA (i know it does sound like a tribal war cry), remember this acronym poem:

A is for annoying
S is for stupid
S is for seriously? Just stop
U is for use assumptions carefully and frugally
M is for minimally, how often you should use them
E is for everyone who needs to stop

AND REMEMBER YOU CAN! IF YOU TRY! Don't worry FRWAAA members, someone loves you.

Signing Off,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sunk Costs Don't Matter!

Ah Econ. Only in econ, can you be purely cynical and everyone celebrates with you. I mean, only in Econ can you hear your teacher say: that it does not matter how much time you have invested in a relationship, when deciding whether to keep them or not...because SUNK COSTS DON'T MATTER (in plain english: historical costs you have invested, do not matter in decision making...what's done is's water under the bridge...PEOPLE THE PAST DOESN'T MATTER!)...I knew Econ was a sarcastic thing, but heck, now i can be mean to people AND sound smart!

In other news, sleep is being a complete jerk again...

You know those nights you actually go to bed early, and you wake up in the morning feeling SO GOOD, and you swear that animated birds are singing, and that how you are feeling MUST be how disney characters feel whenever they open their eyes, or talk...or move...breathe...die? Anyways, but you also know that feeling when sleep decides to be a complete and total jerk...and it just doesn't get along with you? And no matter how hard you try, you end up sitting awake a 4 in the morning, with a bleeding nose wondering how in the world you are going to be able to function in the morning! Not that I speak out of experience.

Sleep, is over rated, and completely a waste of time...but honestly sleep, let's get back on speaking terms again. Sleep and I have always had a rocky relationship...some nights we're best of friends...and the next thing you know, sleep is all offended and feels ignored, even though you were ONLY A LITTLE late to go to punishes you for like...entire 3 days? And by the end you are so dead that sleep can pretty much take total advantage of you...if i didn't know any better I would say i'm in a very UNHEALTHY relationship...but sadly, i just can't let sleep go...there is something about sleep that makes me keep crawling back...BUT DARN IT, BREAKING UP WITH SLEEP SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULT.

So, i guess that's my drama...of my ever constant, never ending, always present love-hate relationship with sleep. And despite the amount of time i put into this relationship, it just isn't going to end I guess....i should take my econ professor's advice...and remind myself that it's time to get over sleep and say: SUNK COSTS DON'T MATTER! HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW, JERKFACE!'ll take a while...

Sleep you are a cruel mistress!

Signing off

Friday, September 10, 2010

So...What to Do Between Classes?

So, as most university students learn very quickly, sometimes having huge gaps in your schedule ROCKS, and sometimes it's more awkwardly spaced out that you really can't use the time productively. I mean when you have a 3 hour break, you can really be productive and finish your essay for your econ class. However when the break is only an hour and half and it's right during lunch's not so helpful. Because you spend half your time eat, the rest of your time getting prepped for homework, and the rest wishing you had more time. So, really by the time you get to the end of the half hour break, you have accomplished nothing, and then have to make up for the wasted time later on in the evening.

However, that's hardly a big deal, time is always available right?

WRONG...there is never enough time. Even when you think there is enough...some how it always slips between your fingers.

Alright so it's the end of week two, faithful reader, and it's getting a little exhausting. It's tiring, university. It makes me wonder WHAT I could possible have had worth stressing over in high school. University means you have 3 papers due before september ends...high school means you have 3 papers due before December ends..maybe. University means you have to study in the library, discipline yourself and start studying early. High school means you don't study anywhere but at front of your computer, your discipline is sorta there...if at all, and you don't study early...rather you study EVERYTHING the night before.

So there are major difference between university and high school, but the biggest? I WAS NEVER THIS DEAD BY THE END OF TWO WEEKS OF HIGH SCHOOL, not even grade twelve. I miss grade was cute by comparison.

But i'm having a blast. It's fun. You meet people (whom I won't name for issues with don't even ask). And I'm enjoying every minute...not every assignment...but every minute. There are people constantly on the move here, each with somewhere to go and there own rather spread out circle of friends. But it's fun, i fully recommend it.

However, for those looking for universities...DO NOT CHOOSE A UNIVERSITY WITH SO MANY STAIRS! MY THIGHS ARE GONNA BE FREAKIN' HUGE BY THE TIME I GET BACK TO CANADA! And no one like huge's awkward. But i suppose it's par with the course?

So, what do you do when your stuck between classes? Blog...and facebook...and oh homework??? PFFT no. who does that?

Signing Off,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Of Football and Labour Day

So, my faithful CANADIAN Readers, i am if you haven't heard ENJOYING my time down here in the US of A. However there a few MAJOR difference between us and them (and I'm NOT talking about food products...)

Firstly there is football. The first game of the season was this past Saturday...and EVERYONE but a select few went. Now when I say everyone..I MEAN everyone. The traffic was TERRIBLE, the parking lot was over-flowing...and not to mention the fact that everyone was SO EXCITED TO SEE THEIR TEAM WIN. So, Canadians remember the 2010 olympics? You know the ones with the crazy lines, and huge crowds? Yeah...well guess what THIS WAS ALMOST THE SAME THING. Granted the crowd was a little smaller, but the feeling in the air, all the over excited was practically the same...AND THIS HAPPENS EVERY'd think that the effect would have worn off by now...but it hasn't.

SECOND: PASTA! Apparently Canadians have an say things like: Pasta, magazine, bag, rag, get the picture we say it wrong...or differently. AND get this WE SAY SORRY DIFFERENTLY! LIKE...WHOA! And on top of it all we spell things like labour differently then THEY spell labor...except we already knew that.

Third: KD (enough said...)

Fourth: Labour day. or Labor Day. Canada should really adopt this mentality. AND BEFORE YOU EAT ME for not being gung-ho for Canada hear me out: having labour day off after a week of school makes you appreciate it SO MUCH MORE. It actually feels like a HOLIDAY not a "day before school". WAY DIFFERENT. Like i was SO HAPPY for labour day to come...that I couldn't believe it. Usually Labour day is a day full of anticipation and dread...not it's a day of relaxation and deep breathing. AWESOME!

So..America and Canada are different. In many different ways....whether is school spirit (they put Canada to shame), or food products (Sorry Americans...Canada wins there) or just plain spelling (I LIKE THE 'U'!) But differences lead to conversation and then to friendships...hopefully. SO YOU GOT TO LOVE THE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES!

AND PRAISE THE HEAVENS FOR LABOUR -labor- DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Signing Off