Monday, November 29, 2010

American Thanksgiving: Hollywood You Lied Again

So, in Canada I remember watching television shows about a holiday where families gather together and eat straight off the carcass of a turkey, with over flowing dishes of stuffing and mashed potatoes and not to mention having so many people that you are breaking about 20 safety codes. Unfortunately, this is not quite the case in reality. Thanksgiving is usually a time for family and the eating takes a second place. The food is delicious and you do have left overs for weeks, but more importantly it's all about focusing what you are thankful for and what you have been given. lied to me...again.

Why do I even bother trusting ANYTHING that industry produces? I should learn my lesson and avoid ever believe another thing that comes from a movie. Everything that Hollywood has ever produced has been over glorified...if not out right wrong.

So i guess the lesson here is never trust Hollywood.

Now, my faithful reader, I want you to note that I, for once, am not going to bash on the United States. American Thanksgiving is actually a genuinely good holiday. Almost exactly the same as Canadian Thanksgiving, but only a month later and there is a shopping day which is pretty intense, but for all intense and purposes it's the same. Gratitude is the main item of the holiday and it's fun to just kick back, relax, and take a deep breath before plunging into finals.

Speaking of which finals are only a few weeks away. There are only 8 more days of classes left! Isn't that crazy??? Needless to say, it's pretty insane to think that in less then 3 weeks i'll be home. Reuniting with friends, eating Asian food, and sleeping. That was my only complaint about Thanksgiving...not being at home.

It was great hanging out with friends and making some new ones, and it was fun watching everyone enjoy their family time. But, I wish in someways I could have gone home and visited my family. I miss them a lot and so I guess spending time with an "adopted" family made me realize how grateful I truly am for them.

Yes, it happened, I was grateful for something on a holiday that technically not mine. But who can always show gratitude.

So, I survived my first ever Thanksgiving in the United States. And I am no closer to becoming an American, but I have gain (in someways) a new respect for them. But I'm still Canadian through and through, so deal with it!

Signing Off,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh Look it's Almost The End of the Week

Well, it looks like i missed the usual day to blog, so I'm doing it today. Yes, it is Friday, and I'm that much of a loner that I don't have a social life. Which majorly is a disappointment...but don't worry I'm working to rectify that. Majorly.

Nevertheless, I have news. to school two days of school next week. THAT'S RIGHT I'VE GOT AMERICAN THANKSGIVING, which is a grand total of 3 whole days off school! Sorry Canada, but you don't got no holiday like you'll understand my excitement. Not that I'm going to participate in an American tradition that I know nothing about, but rather that I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE SCHOOL! YAY!

Although, since we are talking holidays, there is a more important holiday that is currently creeping closer and closer: CHRISTMAS! In a few short weeks we get to enjoy the break that Christmas has to offer. Now that is going to be a glorious holiday, where I return to Canada and enlist myself in eating as much Asian food as humanly possible. AND THEN THE ASIAN FOOD HOLE IN MY STOMACH WILL BE FILLED! And peace will once again be restored to the universe. I'm so excited to go home!

In other news, Teachers are panicing. Or rather they are cramming. It is like every single teacher (except my Econ teacher who is as cool as a cucumber) is trying to put as much as they can into a single lesson. Put as many tests and papers as they can before the break...and there is only two more days before the break. Granted of course most people are not even caring, seeing the break is what is important, but lets just say, the testing centre has never been more full, and the stress level has never been higher. I never remember being this stressed or bog down for anything in highschool. So be grateful for the time you have in High School my young friends, because when you get old like me, you tend to loose yourself in school work, because there is no time for anything else.

Well...I guess that is all for this week. I'm stressed, people are stressed and because of that snap decisions are made. And because of that people do stupid things they may or may not regret. But time will tell. And remember, a little dose of freedom/getting to know others never hurt anyone. So branch out, meet someone new, and you never might just make a new friend. And as we all know, friends are a wonderful thing!

Signing Off,

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 11: Let us Remember

Alright so BYU does have some perks to it. This last week I went to perhaps the funniest show I have ever seen. Divine Comedy. It was terribly funny. They mocked everything from Utah Culture to the sound of music.All to the beat of popular music of the day and glow-sticks. Pure entertainment.

In other news, it's remembrance day this week or veterans day depending on which nation you claim citizenship. So take some time this week to think about how much we owe our veterans. Think about how many sacrificed their lives for our freedoms or how many fought through horrible conditions against certain death to give us the peace that we now have in such abundance. Also think about our troops who are fighting currently in various nations across the globe. Be it in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Iran there are soldiers valiantly sacrificing all that they have to keep us safe and keep our freedoms intact. Their efforts should not go unremembered. So let us pay our respects on either side of the border. Either proudly display your poppy, or carry your gratitude with in your heart. But let us not forget, let us never forget.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
For those who do not know this poem, it is a extremely powerful poem that in Canada we have grown to love, and for those of you who have never heard it, read the lyrics and reflect on what the many wars, especially the world wars have meant for you.

We may be different, Canadians and Americans, we might even disagree on certain points. But we are united on the front of freedom, liberty and peace. We are one against those try and take them away. And we will continue to hold fast to these beliefs with unwavering dedication.

Do not let this November 11 go unnoticed. Pay your respects, for we have much to respect for those men and women, those in the field or at home, who have given us so much.

Thank you all Veterans and Current Soldiers!

Signing Off,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hello, Did you just vote?

So, i slaved a good 8 hours in a state that is not mine, in an election that I can't participate in, to receive data I don't really care about. Yes, I just did EXIT POLLING! Which is basically where I get to be crazy annoying and pester people to give me their opinions on politics so some person crunching the numbers can gauge the political climate of Utah. Is there even a political climate in Utah? And does it ever change?

Alright, so it is kinda entertaining. Talking to people and break down that "I'm-afraid-to-talk-to-people" facade that holds so many back. Yet, somehow I wish i could've broken that wall by doing something WAY less painful! Isn't there some pill you can take to make you more outgoing? A drink you can drink? A substance you can abuse? Oh...yeah...there is alcohol...grumble. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE?!?!?!

I mean outgoing, but still fully aware of your actions. THAT IS MUCH harder to come by. But I think after slaving for a insane amount of time I should be able to talk to whomever I want. So...unlike finding a back bone (yes you should know who is responsible...I won't say any names), it's time to become outgoing and enjoyable to be with...or well...more enjoyable then I USUALLY AM.

Oh, also I discovered that AMERICANS SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO REPLICATE ASIAN FOOD! PANDA EXPRESSES SHOULD ALL BE BURNED! ASIANS EVERYWHERE ARE WEEPING BECAUSE OF IT'S EXISTENCE! To those who don't know what Panda Express is...remember those crappy Asian places at the mall? The ones where the meat was alright but not really completely perfect or tasted kinda off...PANDA EXPRESS IS LIKE THAT BUT 300 TIMES WORSE! AMERICA STOP TRY TO STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S CULTURES AND LET THE PURE FORM OF TRUE ASIAN FOOD COME FORWARD!

Signing off
An Asian Food Obsessed DG

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Call of November

Trust me it beckons loudly. Despite the weeping...the wailing...the gnashing of teeth or the overabundance of complaining...November has arrived. Rather violently too. Not that anyone really cares. Seeing as time just keeps going leaving all the rest of behind wondering how in the world we are supposed to cope.

Nevertheless, here we are sitting in November and about to reach the second day of this rather unforgiving month. Mid-terms, finals, assignments, and attempting to get enough sleep. It's all in the overly complicated dance we like to call: The November Struggle. Ok fine it sounds more like a wrestling move than a dance but i'm not having a very creative day with names.

In other news, i've discovered that people have no clue what they are supposed to be doing with their holidays. Remembrance Day, is a flop down in the states with the barely thought about Veterans Day. Thanksgiving is a four day holiday that basically leaves with little to do and homework to catch up on. Other holidays that my be celebrated by other nations are promptly ignored thanks to this month, and the beautiful day of horrendous sales known as Black Friday attacks confused holiday-ers every time. However, I have no plan of participating in this American Ritual.

And just so all my American readers don't think i'm hating on America, I'd don't. I'm sure there is SOMETHING good about your nation. I'm just still trying to find out what that is just give me a little bit more time. It'll come to me.

This is a short blog tonight people, I really don't have that much to say. I'm just trying to keep myself awake...I figure that is a worthwhile cause, and good excuse as to why I can't think of anything witty or sarcastic to say. Ah well. I might have to blog later in the week when I'm more alert and ready to tell the world my true thoughts and feelings.

Signing Off,