Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sunk Costs Don't Matter!

Ah Econ. Only in econ, can you be purely cynical and everyone celebrates with you. I mean, only in Econ can you hear your teacher say: that it does not matter how much time you have invested in a relationship, when deciding whether to keep them or not...because SUNK COSTS DON'T MATTER (in plain english: historical costs you have invested, do not matter in decision making...what's done is's water under the bridge...PEOPLE THE PAST DOESN'T MATTER!)...I knew Econ was a sarcastic thing, but heck, now i can be mean to people AND sound smart!

In other news, sleep is being a complete jerk again...

You know those nights you actually go to bed early, and you wake up in the morning feeling SO GOOD, and you swear that animated birds are singing, and that how you are feeling MUST be how disney characters feel whenever they open their eyes, or talk...or move...breathe...die? Anyways, but you also know that feeling when sleep decides to be a complete and total jerk...and it just doesn't get along with you? And no matter how hard you try, you end up sitting awake a 4 in the morning, with a bleeding nose wondering how in the world you are going to be able to function in the morning! Not that I speak out of experience.

Sleep, is over rated, and completely a waste of time...but honestly sleep, let's get back on speaking terms again. Sleep and I have always had a rocky relationship...some nights we're best of friends...and the next thing you know, sleep is all offended and feels ignored, even though you were ONLY A LITTLE late to go to punishes you for like...entire 3 days? And by the end you are so dead that sleep can pretty much take total advantage of you...if i didn't know any better I would say i'm in a very UNHEALTHY relationship...but sadly, i just can't let sleep go...there is something about sleep that makes me keep crawling back...BUT DARN IT, BREAKING UP WITH SLEEP SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULT.

So, i guess that's my drama...of my ever constant, never ending, always present love-hate relationship with sleep. And despite the amount of time i put into this relationship, it just isn't going to end I guess....i should take my econ professor's advice...and remind myself that it's time to get over sleep and say: SUNK COSTS DON'T MATTER! HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW, JERKFACE!'ll take a while...

Sleep you are a cruel mistress!

Signing off

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