Monday, March 29, 2010

Wind Storm? Isn't it almost April?

So I'm sure you all were fully aware/awake of/for the windstorm we experienced. It was rather enjoyable listening to the creaks, groans, and moaning of trees outside (yes they were actually moaning). Needless to say, I guess March is going out like a lion (didn't it come in like a lion

Spring Break, gotta love it. It's the only holiday where my days are free but my evenings are not. Which is kinda ironic, but sadly true. It really shows how busy I am in the evenings when i contrast it with the vast nothing-ness of spring break.

Today I choose housing for BYU. Entertaining...sort of. We had to watch a video on how to "get you perfect bed", which i'm pretty sure was useless, because the instructions ARE RIGHT THERE...and the voice was incredibly monotone. So 2:30 I get to pick where I will be living come September. (Which is really not that far away O.o)

So, I went to Kelowna. Yes, I decided to spend my first weekend of Spring Break going somewhere colder then Vancouver (which is quite an accomplishment seeing the windstorm we had last night). Kelowna it always is whenever we do this annual trip, a semi-pain in which you always leave HATING the city, yet somehow always end up going back. It's like the relationship that you just can't out of cause you semi enjoy it, and have a death-wish.

Oh and I'm reading 1984. Yeah..that's about all I can say about it.

So, that was my first weekend of spring break. It was...eventful...ish, exciting...ish, and rather enjoyable...ish. Yes, this was a weekend of "ish"es. We'll see how the rest of the week goes...

Signing Off,

1 comment:

  1. I love 1984! Its one of my favourite books of all time. Have your read Brave New World? That one is pretty good too. George Orwell and Aldous Huxley are pretty much the best.
