Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Times and Measures

Well, this has been quite a weekend. So intense, that I've had to wait a whole 4 days to blog about it, and I'm sure that each of you Faithful Readers have been waiting on baited breath for it. So, you can let out your air, because I'm here and there is no need to worry.

This weekend I was in Nevada. Now, I know that when I say this, most of you will instantly think Las Vegas. As of this moment I have yet to be to Las Vegas, although I think if I'd only go there if I was in the mood to enslave myself to at least 3 unhealthy and socially condemned addictions. Of course, naturally, you're mind instantly shifts to Reno and again I disappoint. Although I can't help feeling that Reno is a wannabe Las Vegas...and if that is the case, Reno it's time you raise your standard and stop trying to give into peer pressure. No, rather, i was in a small town called Mesquite. It is a quaint town, that again is trying to be a mini-Vegas...but I think fails more then Reno. Granted I've never been to Reno. Nestled in the Virgin Valley, Mesquite is a picture-esque town embodying the essence of Nevada: DESERT!

I'm still confused as to why people chose to cultivate in that area, however, seeing as that I am not the end all be all in when humans live, i'll simply keep my opinions to myself.

We were doing a show that was highly eventful. The show went well, and we pleased our audience, despite a few minor mishaps, namely a hat to the face or a 30 second pause of the show right near the end...and some other rather entertaining mistakes. But needless to say, the people loved us and were not afraid to tell us so. It's a nice feeling being loved.

Then we drove home.

Upon arriving home, we all slept because we were pooped and a little shell shocked. Interesting things occurred on the roads between Mesquite and Utah...things that shall not be repeated because pretty much everyone knows the story...and posting that story on the internet seems a little harsh. Although, I'm sure that if you haven't heard the story, it simply means you don't get out much and need to associate yourself with real people a little bit more. Nothing a little time outside the house can't fix. SO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE AND MOVE YOUR MUSCLES!

Oh, and if you are desperate to hear the story...find someone who knows about it. GOOD LUCK!

It'll be a new show next week, I'll keep you posted.

Signing Off,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yet Another American Holiday

Alright, i will give you this America, the holidays in the early side of the semester is a brilliant thing. Canada doesn't have a mid-January holiday, but have Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A man we have heard about even in Canada. Yes, it's true, sometimes American's have a global impact! (It's a pretty frequent).

Now at least Martin Luther King Jr. Day makes some sense. I mean there are so many holidays that really don't make sense like....Family Day. In pretty much every Canadian province (except for like 2...including Quebec) this holiday sneaks in mid-february for no apparent reason. I mean officially the holiday is encouraging "family togetherness" but in reality, it's just a paid day where people don't have to go to work.

Or how about Valentines day? That day does not make any sense. It's as if it encourages procreation (although that is one of the various historical explanations for this day). Although, i think Valentines Day is really just an excuse to give the chocolate makers of the world something do during the bleak winter months.

Or St. Patrick's Day. That one is merely a holiday for all Irish individuals in the world...yet somehow people have simply adopted it as a reason to get smashed. Although I didn't realize that people needed an reason to get drunk, people seem to do just fine without a holiday giving them permission.

So...there are some pretty outlandish holidays. Christmas, New Years, Easter, and other various religious celebration and obvious changes in the calendar have some real merit...and celebrating individuals who have truly changed their society for the better are logical holidays. But I vote we scrap some of the various stupid holidays (although, though if it gives met the day off then I accept it. So Family Day gets a gold star in my books).

Although, I guess all we have to look forward to is: SINGLE AWARENESS DAY (SAD) also known as Valentines Day. Hope you all enjoy your weeks faithful readers, cause mine is only four days! YES!

Signing Off,

Friday, January 14, 2011

Blogging vs Time...Sadly Blogging Lost

So I'm back in the States. I'm back taking classes, some are highly enjoyable, others are well... not as exciting as they could be. But i'm not taking Econ this semester. And probably the best thing about this new semester. Although, the political science class i'm taking is not as exciting as I believed it was going to be.

But, what else is there to talk about? For the past two weeks that has been the main source of conservation. "What class are you taking?" "I'm totally switching out of this class" "I'm taking WAY too many credits" "Does this class make me look fat?" Yes, all completely plausible conversation topics. But it's good to be back.

Utah actually has winter. Now when I say winter, I mean COLD, SNOW, SCARVES, GLOVES, TOQUES! I'm instantly missing the warm, moderately damp, temperate of winters back home. Although my distaste for snow has only increased as every day passes. See back home, snow is a novelty. People fail at commuting in it, and there really aren't enough snowplows to go around, but it really only snows usually a grand total of 3 times a year...if we are lucky. However, here...the snow doesn't melt. Meaning that day after day you end up staring at the snow and wondering why it doesn't go away. It instantly looses its "novelty" status.

But snow isn't the only problem with winter. Snow I could live with. It's the internal heating systems in buildings. I swear they are only on one temperature: WAY TOO HOT! You walk in from the frigid morning winter air into a building that is practically a sauna. I end up down to my t-shirt within 3 minutes of being in the building. And then you end up craving going back outside. Only to discover it is way too cold. it's like have to experience a hot flash every time you walk out side. And trust me it's enough to encourage you never to age to a point where hormone levels fail...

But one good thing about being back here is the wonderful world of Folk Dance. You probably remember it from a few posts ago. The one about the show of the year and the nasty condescending comments directed at those who didn't attend? Well it's back. Not the show...but the institution. Folk Dance, complete with various cultural dances that range from the simple to the terribly complex. But not matter what, you feel good about yourself, life, and the human race in general. A feeling that usually lasts until you enter the testing centre where all faith in humanity dies...rather painfully. Folk keeps you on your toes, physically, mentally, emotionally, and constantly. Needless to say Folk Dance is all the rage, and it's good to be back. Although i'm not a fan of the runners using the hallways as a track...stupid snow...CURSE YOU WINTER!!!

Well, that's all for now, off to Waiting for 2RB.

Signing off,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Of Reflections and Projections

Phew! What a crazy year! 2010 just blew by, and much to my dismay, i don't think i really noticed all that was happening when it was happening. However, that being still was a pretty amazing year!

First off we had the Olympics! Vancouver 2010 was a pretty impressive sight. Vancouver walked onto the world stage...stumbled a little, but then put on a wicked show. We truly rose to the occasion. Patriotism grew to a new level, a level that is still resonating with Canadians everywhere. It became truly cool to be a Canadian. Winning the most gold metals at a Winter Olympics and for a host nation Canada trumped even its own expectations. The Olympics were impressive to say the least, and I lived it...and for that I'm glad.

Next we move to the Mormon Temple the was built and opened the beginning of May. For some this event simple went by, but for those in my church, this was a major event. Complete with a Youth Celebration that was top notch and an open house that truly opened up the eyes of many individuals in the community as to what the heck the Mormons do in those "mysterious temples". However, the temple is now up and running and even this event became past...but something we will remember for forever.

Then came my remember this don't you Faithful reader? The stress, the panic, the distain, the hesitation, the anger, and the irritation that came from planning the event that in the end grew to a night that I will always remember. However, in the shadow of the two previous events, Grad didn't really shine all that bright. However, it was interesting nonetheless and something that i'm glad i went to. But Graduations happen every year, and Grad 2010 quickly slips into the realm of forgotten for most people.

Then is was of to University. Again not really a "historical" moment of 2010, but still a big step forward for me. Moving out and going somewhere completely new was a little terrifying, but i quickly got into the swing of things. Although I must say, that the first semester was not completely terrible, and in the end I did enjoy my time there and now it's on to the second semester! WHOOO!

Then there was Christmas Around the World. The folk dance show that was put on this Christmas that I was privileged to be part of. Although there were moments of leprachonism, and "heavy drinking" it was a memorable experience. I mean, where else would see Hungarians being invited to an Irish Ceildh? The answer is nowhere...Although, i suppose the Hungarians DID have the drinks.

It's been an amazing year. 2010 was perhaps the most jam-packed year of my life, and I was glad for all the experiences. Each one made me grow and stretch (sometimes more then I would have liked). 2010 was a year of excitement and fun...but it did have pain and sorrow. But like every year it has come to a close and it's time to move forward and remember the experiences with fondness, but walk with our heads held high into 2011.

What will 2011 hold for each of us? Who knows. Perhaps it'll be a year of montony. Perhaps it'll be so exciting that none of us will even know what hit us. But one thing is for sure, it's here. And whether we like it or not, we need to face 2011 boldly and courageously. We only have one chance at 2011 everyone, you don't get a make every day count. And don't let anything get in your way of your goals.

It's the New Year...and my resolution: Live my Life the way I want to, and not be afraid to "Take Chances, Make Mistakes, and Get Messy!" Oh Miss. Frizzle...what would I do without you.

Happy New Year Faithful Readers,
Signing off,