Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So, I am now OFFICIALLY an ICE DANCE FAN! Completely and totally. It's pretty sweet! Wait, not sweet, AWESOME!

In other news. For those following my grad dispute. I was brought to a little bit of a humbling moment. I began my grad experience fighting grad, and made if very clear from the start my views on Grad. But, my opinions of grad became over stated and too frequent. I put my opinion above all others, and came off as a downer and rude. So, i've decided to change my tactics, I'm not going to complain about grad, i'm just going to go and see how fun it can be. Needless to say, I will still be taking the bus to grad, not out of spite, but because I have to pay for my grad myself, and I want to save my money. (yeah yeah I'm stingy)

In the olympics. WE ARE GOLDEN!!!! Ice Dance, Ski Cross, Snowboard Cross, Moguls, Speed Skating, Skeleton. Canada is BRINGING THEIR A GAME! I LOVE THE OLYMPICS AND I LOVE CANADA!!!!

Still haven't been downtown yet, I PLAN TO, but i haven't gone yet.

So for my readers hoping for sarcasm, sorry to disappoint. To those who've been subjected to my "Grad Hate" I'm very sorry.

Off to write my essay now, ENJOY THE OLYMPICS READERS :D

Singing Off,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back to School. -sigh-

For the past week I have seen it all. Curling, Hockey, Speed Skating, Telephone Sharades, Althletes, people from all over, and I haven't step FOOT down town vancouver yet. (sad i know, don't worry, i'll get there)

As for the actual performing, It was quite fun. The dutch don't care about Highland Dancing SO, we didn't have much of a crowd the final day. Swag was...6 giant stickers, a pen and magnet. (Did someone say CHEAP??). Sadly that's about as good as it gets.

OH yeah, i also have serious shin splints from dancing 9 half-hour blocks on concrete. THANK YOU OLYMPICS.

OH and Canada lost to the U.S.A today. 5-3. Hm...why do i feel like gold is slipping through our fingers. GET IT TOGETHER CANADA!

Well, The olympics are half over, and now i'm heading BACK to school after missing about a week. I'm not sure how i'm going to be able to do this, but i'll some how survive this week. I'm BACK everyone, so WATCH OUT.

It's also a week after Valentines Day. I escaped it unharmed. It was a wonderful thing.

So, it's back to real life tomorrow. I'm kinda bummed. BUT I AM ALSO DETERMINED TO GET TO DOWN TOWN VANCOUVER THIS WEEK! SOMETIME!!!!!

Signing Off,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rock N Roll with Curlin'

AH yes, today in the world of the olympics. Canada is up to 3 gold medals, 3 silver medals and 1 Bronze. GO CANADA!

In other news, I was at women's curling today. We flashmobbed for various happy crowds at the Vancouver Olympic Centre. Things went well. We got 3 stamps instead the expected 2, bring on the swag. As for the curling? Well, most of us got bored and left, to the lunch room and played Yatzee and Wii. We talked, got to know each other, and ranted. It was extremely enjoyable.

Crowds were great. People were accomodating, and the olympic cheer was filling the seats of the Curling rink. After the painful puns about curling were finished, the day 3 pictures taken and the humus sandwhiches eaten (who DOES that???), we all returned home to lesiurely watch the men's figure skating.  All is well.

So, school should be going well with out me. Hopefully.

Well, that's all for tonight. More to come tomorrow.

Signing Off,
3 of 5

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

BOO-YEAH!!!! (a series of screaching noises to follow)

Hello faithful readers, I did miss the yesterday, but that was because I was so tired, so I choose to sleep rather then blog. SORRY, I know...me and my skewed priorities.

So, Yesterday was Russia versus USA (women's hockey). Yes I saw the game, and YES USA kicked Russia butt to a grand score of 13-0. OUCH! This game was NO WHERE near as exciting as the Canadian game from the day before. Half way through some of the fans defected and started cheering for Russia. The cheers for Russia would start once one of their players cleared their zone of the puck and would continue until possesion of the puck was lost. One over enthusiastic cheerer sat behind me. His shrieks of sheer joy were so peircing that my brain would literally shut down. After a few laughs at his expense and a snide comment involving pre-pubescent cats, his shrieks became not only blog worthy but title worth aswell.

Performances went well. No one watched us at first, at the night performance. However, we did have people watching us (while we had ditched our dance shoes and decided to go for it runners) for the second ones.

What I learned from yesterday WAS THAT PERFORMERS MUST NOT TALK TO THE ATHLETES! (too bad no one told US that). To make a long story short, a bunch of miscommunications happened, a photo with an athlete taken and our passes were ALMOST revoked. Luckily that didn't happen, and we will be performing again tomorrow, only this time it'll be at curling.

Today, i went to school. Today I got homework, performed a song i wrote, did a little bit more work then necessary on the homework I had, and almost fell asleep at least twice. All in all it was a productive day.

But goodness gracious, I must get back to my homework. TIME TO SYNTHESIZE!!!!

Signing Off,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ah, the good ol' hockey Game

As most of you are FULLY aware, I was not at school today. Now, before you all start thinking I skipped out, or that I've decided that school isn't for me, take a deep breathe, console yourself, and read on.

I am taking part in the olympics. And today was the 1st of 5. Today, I was in a Highland Flash Mob, which basically means we burst out of no-where and do some highland dancing stuff. It's quite entertaining. This was interesting in and of itself, because we learned that in day people like dancing and shows, in the evening they just want to watch hockey...go figure.

Yes, I was there at the Women Hockey game, Canada versus Switzerland. We won. 10-1, i really can't say anything more. IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!

Yes, I ALSO watched (on a little tv in a stuffy little locker room) the pairs figure skating. IT WAS SO BORING, with out the voices telling me every little detail about their routine. I kinda missed it.

AND YES! I befriended a mascot. We befriended the MAN behind the MASCOT! That was awesome too!

AND YES!!! It was a terribly LONG day in which, we arrived 1.5 hours early, and had to waste the time doing nothing. It was so TERRIBLY boring at times that many of us simply fell asleep. Security was annoying. The Accredation was you only way to do ANYTHING. And...quite simply, it pretty much sheer madness from the moment we got there. My blood pressure is THROUGH THE ROOF.

All in all it was fun. C'etait AMUSENT! Thank you, merci.

Signing Off,
Day 1 of 5 (stayed tuned, more tomorrow)

Friday, February 12, 2010

It's an Open and Closed Case

To all those who witnessed the olympic opening ceremonies you were probably privy to most of the action that took place. You probably already know about the Georgian Luger that died in a training accident. You probably also know about the Torch Glitch. You probably ALSO already know that Gretski was the one to take the torch to the outside torch...and you probably already know that it is currently raining in ALL three of the olympic venues (Wistler, Cypress, AND Vancouver), and that more then one event is one tentative standby...OH JOY!

Canada's 3rd Olympics, and NOTHING seems to want to go our way. First off, the weather seems to be having a last laugh. Last year at this time, Vancouver had more snow then it knew what to do with. There were power outages, trees the collapsed, and rooves that caved in under the weight. Vancouver's 5 snow plows were working OVER TIME to combat the weather. But this year, we had NO SNOW, even more then that we have rain and warm temperatures with cherry blossoms AND tulips blooming. YUP, this is DEFINATELY the winter olympics.

As for the Torch Glitch. It was impressive, and there was certainly potential for it to be pretty amazing. However, when one of the legs of the torch won't arrive...at all...then your potential kinda goes out the window. Not that anyone really knew, only those watching it with the commentary, which MAY have been a large quantity of people. And Greski's 10 minutes truck ride to the outside torch? That was...impressive once he got there. Too bad it took him so long.

Day one? Well it wasn't bad. A lot of things just aren't agreeing with the olympics right now. With all this going against it, do we really need PROTESTERS trying to add to the problem? Re-routing torch relay routes JUST to prove...that the olympics shouldn't be here? -.- REALLY? CAN'T WE DO BETTER THEN THAT????

Ah well, perhaps the clouds of today will clear, and everything will get a little better...maybe :D

Signing Off,

The Olympics, It's off to a FLAMING start

The olympic torch. It's finally coming home, to light the cauldren and to start the olympic games off with a bang...well hopefully more of a wooosh as the gas takes light...not a bang...

Today, there were many local torch celebrations. Each with their own flare and ideas. The torch passed many local schools, activity centers, malls and other such places. I was priviledged to witness the torch pass our school at the blissfully wonderful hour of 7 am. Needless to say the hype was more exciting then the actual torch viewing.

In other places, like Coquitlam and Burnaby, a multitude of people and parties were taking place. In Coquitlam dancers of all enthic backgrounds danced, and then in the end danced in a finale. It was suberb. I was not IN these celebration per say. I WAS in a celebration at metrotown, which was extremely fun and there was QUITE the crowd. I didn't attend the coquitlam one, but I heard the stories of those who did, who stated that is was certainly a good time.

So world, it's here. The torch has arrived. And that means there is only ONE MORE SLEEP TIL THE OLYMPICS OFFICIALLY START! -holy moly- I bet there a many sleep deprived people freaking out at the very thought. I will be able to tell you more "olympic stories" as the happen. But for now I'll have to keep my knowledge to my self. Granted of course, once they are past, i'll let the WHOLE WORLD KNOW!!!

So stay tuned, cause there will be a lot more coming over the next 2 weeks. Olympic madness here i COME!

Signing Off,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Facebook, Twitter...Myspace?

Ah, the wonderful world of online networking sites. Where else can you see who is dating whom? Who broke up with whom? The things people like, don't like, became fans of, did not become fans of? Where you can twit and share links...and STAY UP ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT!

I just have ONE little complaint. I do not have twitter...I guess it's probably because I don't have enough CONSTANTLY happening to me, that I feel needs to be CONSTANTLY shared. Besides...I don't think people need to know my every thought anyways: "I just went to the bathroom"..."I JUST SAW THE FIRST ROBIN OF SPRING...in february..."..."MY DOG JUST DIED! IT'S DISGUSTING!"...why would you do that?

Further more, facebook, that lovely site where people have random apps, that keeps changing it's appearance every so often to keep us on our toes, where you have friends you don't even know. AND where you can see where the little dynamics are with your circle of friends (did i mention my circle of friends is a few hundred strong...they just aren't close...useless).

Myspace. Does it even exsist anymore? Do people still even use it? Hasn't Facebook and Twitter kinda left myspace sitting in the dust...? Anyone? -vague empty silence-

Yes, so as you can see, the only PRODUCTIVE way to tell people what's REALLY going on in your life (with out actually talking to them...or using a telephone...or texting...OR MSNING...) is through BLOGS! Where else can you rant with OUT being interrupted???? Answer me that!

Actually don't. You'd interrupt me.

Signing off,

Friday, February 5, 2010

Un autre chose...

Oui, cette post est EN FRACAIS! No, i wouldn't do that too you reader.

So first week of second semester has finally ended. It feels like just yesterday I "frolicking" in Chemistry. Now, i'm playing guitar and speaking french. C'est amusant :D

This week felt like a month. No joke. It was like I was hit by a semi...like 4 times. It doesn't help that I STILL don't sleep, and apparently neither do any of my friends. -TAKE THAT SLEEPING ENTHUSIASTS!-

And, for all those who have been watching the developments in the even present drama: "Me versus Grad Dinner Dance", things have certainly been acting up.

I am still going stag, HOWEVER, I now have to choose between paying $190 for the night, or $121.75. My money is on the latter. THAT is only for limo or bus. I haven't even factored in the additional cost of the suit. Granted i'm not paying as much as the girls in our cohord, this is still getting a little pricy...UNIVERSITY IS COMING!!! -sigh-

Needless to say, I think Grad Dinner Dance is out to get me. CURSES!

Well, World, who are all gathering in Vancouver as we speak, with the blooming flowers, the green trees and the beautiful sun...OH YEAH, and the winter olympics, i hope you enjoyed this. And if you ARE a sleep enthusiast, i apologize for the wise crack. Mais C'est la vie ;)

Signing Off,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello Second Semester, I'd like to make a return...

SO, Readers, i have officially survived exams and moved onto second semester. AND I will be taking: History 12, French 12, Accounting 12, and English 12.

Oh...wait....My first return for the semester: "OH MY WONDERFUL COUNCILLOR!!!" So, in realizing that my history class is going to be killer, ontop of 2 other EXTREMELY homework intensive courses...i realized SOMEONE had to go. SO i visted my councillor and giving my best smile tried to get out of History and have a free block.

-it didn't work-

So, i did the next best thing, choose ANOTHER course. It was between: Guitar 11, Drama 12, and Textiles 11. Yeah...i don't sew. AND I don't act. SO I am in Guitar 11. YAY!!! MY FIRST EVER FUN COURSE :D

Well, that's about it...I mean the much anticipated "sit-com?" FAILED! Nothing. Just random over-hyper people...hitting eachother for no reason...ratings are down...

It's all right, something should be coming shortly, my producers are starting to get a little stressed...so SOMETHING BETTER BE COMING.

Well, that's it.

Signing off,