Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Grind Crunch Ouch!


So, here I am, the last week of July, and instead of hanging out at a beach or an air conditioned building, I'm spending my time climbing mountains, building muscle, and sweating up a storm. Well...at least i'll LOOK in shape for when I leave for university.

The summer has been moving along very slowly. With very little to take up my time, I am reduced to late night discussions about everything and anything with anyone who will listen. Needless to say, I think my audience is dwindling. But, I'm glad, as always, to have YOU here faithful reader!!!

Here are the Top 10 Conversation of the passed week, in case you weren't part of them:

10) "Snoop-dog"-less version of California Gurls...:O

9) 2011 Championship Steps for Highland Dancing

8) Theories on Good-byes and Friendships.

7) Inception...the best movie ever

6) How NOT to fill up water balloons

5) The usefullness of a year-supply of smarties

4) The wonders of Costco

3) Laundry and Bed sheets

2) How to destroy peas...and hide the evidence

1) "How soon til you leave???"

Well, faithful reader. 3 weeks to go. Yes, time is running out!

Signing Off

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to Waste Your Time 101

With University just around the corner, i figured that i should start thinking in terms of random 3 digit numbers. You know...Intermediate French (part 2) 207....What happened to part 1...or 206? You get the picture.

Summer Job (Part -1) 345:
Non-existent. Well not completely. I do have a paper route (can you say slave money?) and I do get money for winnings at dance competitions. But other then that, I'm sitting pretty with nothing to do, but perhaps I should be relishing in my complete and utter "nothing-to-do-ness"!!!

Skype 451:
So, apparently I have become completely addicted to skype. Perhaps it's because I haven't turned msn on for the past 2 weeks. I'm sure half friends have wondered what has become of me, however I'd like to assure them that I am perfectly fine, other then being half crazed due to boredom. Also, friends who may be reading this, I'd also like to say that just because I have chosen skype over msn, it is NOT a personal slander towards you AT ALL (well...not completely HAHAHA).

Summer Activities 621:
      Pre-reqs: Water Balloon Making 321
                     Evading Danger 235
Yes, summer activities range from the sublime (harvesting peas with Sweekie) to the wonderfully rediculous (THE WORLD'S MOST EPIC WATER BALLOON WAR THIS CITY HAS EVER SEEN!). Of course, you can't just show up for this class...you need to fufill those requirements with AT LEAST AN 80% passing grade. Also, you are expected to be fully warmed up BEFORE each class, no sympathy permitted!

Friends 223:
Granted it's the summer, but remember now is the time to get together with your friends! For some, these may be the final chances you will get for along time to see each other. So this class, although pass or fail, should not be avoided! ATTENDANCE MATTERS!

Enjoying Yourself 456:
Need I explain further? It's the summer, go out and live a little!

So, with only 4 more weeks before I leave to go to university, I figure i've got a LOT to think about before i leave. Heck! I don't want to fail any of these INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT classes! Yes, it may be summer, but time is short people. Before you know it...i'm gonna be GONE! (And trust me, faithful reader, it's gonna be fast! And also, faithful reader...there will be no failing any of these classes either on your part...I DEMAND 100% effort and enthusiasm!)

Signing Off

Monday, July 19, 2010


Summer Time is here, at last.

So, faithful reader, I decided that I should give you a "summer holiday" from my blog, so that you could regroup and find other ways to survive in this world with out my infinite words of wisdom. However, I have also come to the realization that I need to come back, and so here I am ready to make your lives whole again.

Summer is a time for relaxation and recovery. Sadly, I've had very little time for this, as I've spent most of my holidays crammed in a car and driving for HORRIBLY long hours. Needless to say, our destinations seemed to be worthwhile, and our holidays in other states and provinces were extremely enjoyable.

As for finding a summer job, it's been a bust. The common excuse of "no one's hiring" has been the cry of hundred of teenagers this summer, as failure has become increasingly prominent in the hunt for jobs. There is, quite frankly, a nasty shortage. And too many have fallen subject to the will of the labor market.

But, needless to say, summer has started on a high note. And soon i'm off to BYU, and will be saying good bye to the wonderful world of BC before too long. Naturally i'm a little worried, but excited. But truth be told, the reality of where I'm going in the fall and that I'm no longer gonna be here, has yet to hit me. However, when it does, and I'm confident it will very shortly, I will be sure to write to you, faithful reader, and tell you all about it.

So, with July more then half over, and August right around the corner, it seems that time is once again going too fast for any of us. Well for me that is. Perhaps it's cause I haven't had any down time, or perhaps it's because my summer holidays haven't been as exciting or lazy as some, but all I know is, that I haven't fallen prey to the nasty symptoms of "Cabin Fever". Too many of my friends are already starting to show the signs!

Well, That's it for tonight Faithful Reader. It's good to be back.

Signing Off