Wednesday, April 21, 2010

As I Calmly Wait for Glee To Load

Because my house has a strict NO TV policy in place my ability of being able to view glee has become subject to the feelings of the internet. Apparently the internet doesn't like me much. It freezes, stalls, restarts, stalls, quits, dies, fails, and anything else it can dream up. So, i suppose you could say that the internet just doesn't want me to watch Glee. Which I guess I can sort of understand...except I don't. WHY IS THE INTERNET TRYING TO DEPRIVE ME MY CHANCE TO WATCH GLEE??? No glee makes me upset...and means that half of my friends will spoil the show for me...bother.

But what can you do, if internet says no...I must simply wait it out. -jerks-

In other news. Remember that guitar class I have? The one where I said it would be a slack class? Yeah...apparently I was wrong. Tomorrow we have presentations, now I'm good with presentation, I even have a HUGE BIG presentation ready which I was totally pumped to give until oh about 30 minutes into the class this morning. Of the three presentations we saw ALL were casual, semi-prepared and pretty good. Now it makes my idea seem WAY too over the top. Which means that my bad guitar playing will show through...unless I just go with what I had planned anyways. It was gonna be a News Cast, a presentation with momentum, told from July 20th, 2000, rather then currently in a guitar class...Maybe I'll still go through with it. I think it would be a good idea...

Sigh, Glee is STILL loading.

What else? Oh, we haven't had any substantial english homework for the past 4 days...I am deeply concerned. And I MEAN DEEPLY! There is no way our teacher who's reputation is built on the giving of homework would suddenly stop...unless she was lulling us into a false sense of security just so she can drop the biggest bomb shell EVER! I'm not talkin' homework people, I am talking MEGA-PROJECT bomb shell. It's coming...I can feel it...but of course she won't admit to a thing, and all of us are left guessing.

My Guitar Hero is Carlos Santana...thought you all should know. He's done a lot for the musical world! His style was never clearly defined by what the musical genres of the time were, as he combined Jazz, Rock and Latin into a intense combo that pretty much was a genre all of its own. And of course critics of the late 60's and 70's hated it, saying he was sitting on the fence, not choosing to be truly Jazz or Rock...odd seeing as Rock at the time was just'd think they'd be pretty accepting. Of course by the time the 80's rolled around, you know the heavy metal era, Santana was STILL going strong his records were reaching top 20 or top 10 doing the same thing he always did, combining and experimenting to create bigger and better things. Add more electric guitar but not being afraid to keep the Latin/Jazz combo strong what just what a generation of youth wanted. By the 90's, Santana was still playing his music, at a time where superstar 80's musicians were falling behind boybands and girlbands in popularity, Santana's popularity only increased. By 1999 he got his first #1 album in the US with SMOOTH (it went platinum) it was followed by Maria Maria a year later ALSO getting #1 in the US and also going platinum. Even as recent as 2008 has Santana been creating and making music, and his popularity hasn't died. His is a message of dedication, risk-taking and a little bit of stubbornness, but artist love to jam with him to learn from his styles and he from theirs. Santana's music is constantly changing and growing, but it still has the same latin/jazz feel lying at its roots.

That's basically what my presentation is gonna be for Guitar tomorrow! (wow...that sounds SO BORING)


AP tests are coming up...yeah I'm starting to feel the pinch. It's gonna be one WILD ride as those start coming up. I dunno how I'm going to do on them, but I plan to give up a lot of free time to get some studying done. Granted I only have one...and it's Calc. But this could make or break me for university...this it the big times!

Ugh, forget this, I'll stop boring you people, and watch the loading bar move at its snail pace...grumble...

Signing Off,
Gleeless DG

Friday, April 16, 2010

When You See My Face...(you know the words)

So, I've officially finished BRAVE NEW WORLD, and sadly I did not enjoy it. Compared to 1984, I felt like that every thing the characters did was either pointless OR insane. The "utopia" bothered me. Barnard, Helmholtz, John, Lenina, Henry, Linda, the Director...ALL bothered me. No one liked to think...I felt like my very ideals were being...forced to watch a badly filmed movie. Technically, it was VERY well written, it just didn't connect with me. Oh well :(

So, the decisions been reached...we are getting the chocolate fountain. A chocolate fountain and fruit making our dinner a wonderful price of $90. SWEET! But, what can you do? Grad is grad, and EVERY ONE LOVES IT, and they'd pay anything for it...sadly...:(

Scholarship nonsense: if me and a date wear a dress and tux made COMPLETELY out of duct tape, I could win money! I'm not going to do it, but it certainly does sound like fun. SOOO, if anyone out there is craving to wear duct tape to THEIR grad it could be fun. (Plus it's cheaper then going out a whole new dress...think about it!!!)

Today has been extremely productive...Ah, I love pro-D days....of course half of you university students are already done...-.-" <------ asian face of jealousy.

Alright, that's it for tonight

Signing Off,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We've been missing her for months. We've rehashed her lines over a million times, and they never seem to get old. Miss. Sue Sylvester forced her way into her hearts with lines like "I broke my blender, making a smoothie out of whale bones." and "I'm going to steal into your house and punch you in the face" and of course "and that's how Sue "C"s it" and never released its death grip.

So when I turned on my crappy internet connection to the new glee episode I was pleased to see that my favourite, heartless cheerleading coach was back, and ready to destroy another 3 months of wonderful gleeing. Yes, I was pleased beyond belief. Oh and the songs were good too.

But, once you get past the whole heartwarming effect of glee, you sadly realize reality goes on...why? I would MUCH rather prefer to have people singing random covers over semi-popular songs, faking pregnacies, lying about baby fathers, and above all a crazy group of teachers who just don't seem to get it that glee club isn't everything. Yeah, that DOES sound pretty sweet, but alas this is not the case. Instead I have to fight the war of Pop or Chocolate which everyone wants chocolate which I say that's $90 i'll never see again. But then again, what's grad compared to fictional characters on the brink of constant drama? Nothing! THANK YOU GLEE, for helping keep perspective.

But really folks, lets look at the wonderful world of grad for a moment. It's ONE NIGHT! A night of wonderful memories that you can't put a price tag on...that I have no problem with. But why are people SO WILLING to fork over large amounts of money for things that will only stand around and look nice? For instance, lets examine this chocolate fountain for a moment. It's gonna look nice. It's going to arrive RIGHT at 8. And it will have enough fruit to feed us. But then what? We end up with a nice looking fountain that serves no purpose because there is nothing to DIP into the boil mass of steaming chocolate. However, I still end up having to PAY for it to take up space...that's $12 a person...bumping your meal from $75 to $87. In my mind, it will only end up looking pretty...but be completely useless. I could be wrong...but when I can spend $7 for unlimited soft drinks and only have a meal of $82, that in my mind will prove to be a better "bang for you buck". Memories may not be formed over the softdrinks, but there won't be very many more memories formed over the chocolate fountain either...

Food for thought.

Signing off,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A BRAVE NEW WORLD!!!!!! (No really, do close your eyes)

No, this is not a messed up reference to the classic Disney song: WHOLE new world, it is an ALLUSION to a novel, about a dystopian society. I think our teacher has developed a secret taste for forcing people to think the same way and not to complain about (and if they do, they DIE!!!!). Either that or they actually have decent plots and are important to our literary development (I'll go with the latter, i don't think my English Teacher HAS a room 101 at her disposal... I hope).

In other news, this weekend has been, like most others, a calm and rather organized affair. With minimal studying for my calculus exam (may 5th), barely started Brave New World (needs to be done by April 20th) AND haven't studied at ALL for my english exam on monday. I am SO prepared, sometimes I even amaze myself.

I guess you could easily say that this weekend has been one procrastination, BUT it also has been one of Celtic concerts, practising for a show my church will be putting on, AND catching up on much needed sleep. No matter how you put it, I have done what is MOST important.

I am said to say, that tonight's blog is brief, but do not be dismayed, there will be more to come. I'm sure ONE of my friends will do something stupid, that's I'll JUST HAVE to tell they world about. It will probably even happen next week.

Signing off,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Glee -Alright, it's not QUITE yet

It's back...finally. Coming on Tuesday April 13th to a CTV or FOX near you! GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE!!!! -sigh-

Enough of that. It seems grad has decided to show its fury. With little over two months to go we are starting to sweat. No keepsake (yet...cause I NEED SOME ANSWERS!), no fundraising (WE ARE STARTING NEXT WEEK!) no ticket sales (THOSE ARE IN MAY!), and no chocolate fountain (DO WE REALLY NEED ONE?). Not only that, but those nasty grad transitions are starting to make people angry. Well not ME, cause I finished last summer -THAT'S RIGHT!-

School work, is of course, back in full swing! In french, i've had two days with no homework...should I be worried? In Accounting, I've spent two days doing virtually today I started a novel. If this keeps up I'll have the novel done by next month. In guitar, I've FINALLY picked a famous guitarist. In English, we've had 4 tests, 5 homework assignment, 2 essays, and 1 poem. Yeah, English has really started the uphill climb. -ooof-

Oh, and remember the LACK of drama we were all revelling in. WELL, it's STILL NOT HERE! Not really any ways. Limos have been happily booked, Friendships have been secretly and efficiently patched, even ditching grad dates have been dealt with swiftly and silently. All in All, its been good.

Signing Off,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I've Been Workin' On the Railroad...

My Spring break check list has been slowly completed. Well I haven't really started my french project but that's cause I have a whole month in which I can finish it, no big deal. Finished 1984. Must admit, room 101, SCARY PLACE (where can I get one???---> I kid...i hope). Started studying for my calculus exam in may, that's gonna be fun. O.o...

In other news, spring break weather has been a bit bi-polar. We almost had shorts and t-shirt weather. But then we didn't. It's been rainy, windy, sunny, cold, warm(ish), and it even hailed. I, like the weather, have been amazingly bi-polar. Needless to say, today i realized I've developed a unnatural distaste towards people. Wait, not people, unMOTIVATED people.

But, i'm not going to rant.

I never rant.


Easter is coming. My birthday is coming. TYC is coming. Stress is coming. Although, i'm not really sure why. I just have this uneasy feeling that everything is going to fall flat on its face in a minute, and I'm going to have to pick up the pieces. ALTHOUGH, i can say this, my friends have been very good at not being unmotivated. They are in my good books. YAY for you, all those who call themselves my friend, give your self a pat on the back. -THIS MEANS YOU READER!-

Enjoy your well-diserved pattings,

Signing Off,