Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Life Since April 11

Hello faithful readers,

Yes I'm still alive. I just haven't posted in a while which is why I felt the need to fill you in on what's been going on in my life, but the sparknotes version.

1) I'm leaving. Like for a LONG time. So...blogging is going to be...interesting. My parents are planning on putting together a blog for while I'm gone that will contain message and letters I send them. They will post the link onto my facebook, so keep your eyes peeled for that because I do want all of you to know what is happening in Slovenia.

2) Work? Non existant. Actually, epic fail. Work was not happening this year. I even put up flyers for tutoring and everything, but somehow it didn't work out. Granted I wasn't really expecting it to, but you know how it is. The Vancouver job market isn't the greatest and so it isn't any wonder that my job hunting didn't really go anywhere.

3) Learing Slovene. Yeah, also epic fail. The websites I did find were limited at best, and apparently the nearest library book that could teach me Slovene was out in the middle of nowhere...so, that wasn't going to happen. But, I'll be learning in a very major way very shortly, so i'm not too worried. Perhaps that is a bad sign.

4) Clogging and Folk. Yes, I'm still doing that. I really don't know what I'm going to do without it for two years. I'm going to cry. I think I'll be driving a few people crazy in Slovenia because of it. But needless to say right now I'm using every opportunity to teach, practice and continue to do clogging and other fun folk dances!

5) My flesh eating disease. Apparently I'm allergic to the oral typhoid vaccine (a series of pills not a needle in the mouth). Because for three weeks I had hives, and then my skin started peeling and hasn't stopped since. I starting taking the pills beginning of May, and it is now June. Epic fail? I think so.

6) Our deck. Apparently wood, rain and humidity are not the best things to put together. Our deck was literally falling apart, so we've decided to tear it all up and start again. Luck us.

7) The Canucks. Yeah, hockey. The Canucks actually did quite well, considering they have a tendency to epic fail somewhere between the first and second series of the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. And since then, Vancouver has become a bustling metropolis of unashamed fans. Downtown Vancouver has become as crowded as it did when the Olympics were here. Perhaps even more so. What can we say, Canadians do love their hockey/hate the Bruins.

8) Despite being gone for the next two years, I'm not really that bummed about missing out on next year's Glee or Bones. Seeing that neither really tried all that hard to catch my attention. Which is saying something. Bones is slipping and Glee has been slipping for the past year. So am I going to miss TV while I'm gone? No, not really.

9) Music? Yes, I AM going to miss music. Music is kinda like food for me, and without it I kinda feel naked and lonely. But I'll make due. It might mean a lot of humming, quiet singing or just making noise, but i'll make it. I WILL SURVIVE! AS LONG AS I KNOW HOW TO LIVE I KNOW I'LL STAY ALIVE! (see, it's gonna be tough...)

10) My life since April 11? It's been nice. It's been good to be with family. Friends. Dance. It's been great to have so many people support me and wish me well. I know that a lot of you don't understand why I'm leaving the life I know for two years, but I think i'm doing what's right and you have all been very supportive. So, for that I am grateful. And please know that I will miss you all, and that you can write me and e-mail me. And i'll be back before you know it, and hopefully we'll see each other again in two years. If not, I wish you all the best and hope that you life is kind to you. Stay in touch, because I don't want to loose any of you as my friends.

See you around Blogging World! (Assuming this is my last post...I have a feeling it's not)

Signing Off,