Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh Look it's Almost The End of the Week

Well, it looks like i missed the usual day to blog, so I'm doing it today. Yes, it is Friday, and I'm that much of a loner that I don't have a social life. Which majorly is a disappointment...but don't worry I'm working to rectify that. Majorly.

Nevertheless, I have news. to school two days of school next week. THAT'S RIGHT I'VE GOT AMERICAN THANKSGIVING, which is a grand total of 3 whole days off school! Sorry Canada, but you don't got no holiday like you'll understand my excitement. Not that I'm going to participate in an American tradition that I know nothing about, but rather that I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE SCHOOL! YAY!

Although, since we are talking holidays, there is a more important holiday that is currently creeping closer and closer: CHRISTMAS! In a few short weeks we get to enjoy the break that Christmas has to offer. Now that is going to be a glorious holiday, where I return to Canada and enlist myself in eating as much Asian food as humanly possible. AND THEN THE ASIAN FOOD HOLE IN MY STOMACH WILL BE FILLED! And peace will once again be restored to the universe. I'm so excited to go home!

In other news, Teachers are panicing. Or rather they are cramming. It is like every single teacher (except my Econ teacher who is as cool as a cucumber) is trying to put as much as they can into a single lesson. Put as many tests and papers as they can before the break...and there is only two more days before the break. Granted of course most people are not even caring, seeing the break is what is important, but lets just say, the testing centre has never been more full, and the stress level has never been higher. I never remember being this stressed or bog down for anything in highschool. So be grateful for the time you have in High School my young friends, because when you get old like me, you tend to loose yourself in school work, because there is no time for anything else.

Well...I guess that is all for this week. I'm stressed, people are stressed and because of that snap decisions are made. And because of that people do stupid things they may or may not regret. But time will tell. And remember, a little dose of freedom/getting to know others never hurt anyone. So branch out, meet someone new, and you never might just make a new friend. And as we all know, friends are a wonderful thing!

Signing Off,

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