Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's Supposed to Snow Tomorrow...

Yes I come from Canada, so you'd think I'd be saying: "Snow in late October...pffft...that's nothing!"

Well I'm not saying that...because I come from the part of Canada where it DOESN'T get cold, where it hardly ever SNOWS, and there is virtually NO WINDCHILL! So the announcement of SNOW in less then 24 hours is DEFINITELY NOT A WELCOME ONE!

It should be made into American law that it is not allowed to snow BEFORE Halloween...ever. However, apparently America and all its wisdom is still not capable of controlling the! So this week is "GET READY FOR HALLOWEEN WEEK!" or in abbreviated form: GRFHW! (no i don't know how to say that), meaning I still need to find a costume...and I still need to find a Halloween Party to go to.

I know what your thinking Faithful reader, I could just plan my OWN halloween party...but then I would have to RUN the party...and then I'd have to think of games and activities and other such joyous holiday fantasticness...which is WAY more effort then I am willing to put forth...ever. So it looks like I might as well make a new friend...but only if they are hosting a party...(if you fit this discription, please feel free and make a comment below!) hasn't started snowing yet...although it might start at any given moment...and believe me it'll be unfortunate :(

In other news. I found camera. Which means...YOU GUESSED IT: PICTURES OF MY LIFE!!!! So be excited! Because now my life will be well documented and all of you faithful readers will be able to stalk me from the comforts of your own homes!

So, the pumpkin pie is gone...which means so is my power...and like all removings of power the post power obsession is really hard to let go of...but i'm working on it! I just need to find another sugary dessert that everyone wants and then i can regain CONTROL!'s gonna be struggle...

Oh yeah I found Pandora...which means my music craving will finally be satisfied! Gotta love music...i'd much rather have music over sleep. Even if I do have an entire channel dedicated to 90's music...and let me tell you it was a weird time...

So, that's basically sleep, more music...and my room is clean!!!

Signing Off,


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