Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Burn a Sit Com

Hey, Faithful Readers. So after the can of worms i opened last week on based on my comments on this blog (Yes, FRWAAA you are forgiven). I have decided to address another serious issue that plagues our society (How was that for thesis writing 150?)


1) Go to sleep early. No really, sleep and I have completely broken it off. We have officially filed for divorce and the question NOW is, what the heck do I do now. It's like a whole part of my life has just left me...I mean even Calculus didn't do that when I cheated on it for music...kudos for those who remember what I'm talking about.

2) Be wary of SNAP DECISIONS! You never know WHERE these will turn up, or where they will take you. So, if you faced with the snap decisions about study, or cooking dessert or even RUNNING BUDDIES...i advise you take a deep breath...AND JUST GO FOR IT...because then you might end up divorce sleep over it. But please, think through, because sometimes you might end up kicking yourself.

3) Just because ONE assumption was right DOES NOT MEAN that you should CONTINUE to assume things...see previous blog.

4) Reading and Spelling and oh yeah grammar are important. Oh and so is not over-gernalizing. Apparently people can find that offensive...i don't know why Americans would ALWAYS get up TIGHT about CANADIAN AWESOMENESS, but hey, i guess it will always be a mystery. Either that, or people will freak out...stupid Americans.

5) Don't offend americans...apparently they don't like it. Pfft, lame. Canadians don't mind...BECAUSE THEY MAKE FUN OF ME ALL THE TIME! (GUILT GUILT GUILT).

6) People don't like being guilted. That is a direct quote. I don't advise saying it in real life...because you know it's grammatcially incorrect. DEATH GLARE! (not from me, but the kid sitting next to I typing too loud? Yeesh Creep.)

7) Don't write about people on your blog....i don't think the kid sitting next to me appreciates it...LAME! SEE NUMBER 4 LOSERS!

8) Repeat number 5...It's starting to be a bad habit. Oh well, i figure they will get over it.

So it's been a crazy weekend...details to follow shortly. Although, Skype buddies, I advise you go on this week. Cause you know...stuff happens. Oh and remember, CANADA ROCKS!

Glares from the kid beside me again... -.-"

Signing off,

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh! Thanks! I'm on skype, btw. rutzcarlton. Thassa me.
