Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's Supposed to Snow Tomorrow...

Yes I come from Canada, so you'd think I'd be saying: "Snow in late October...pffft...that's nothing!"

Well I'm not saying that...because I come from the part of Canada where it DOESN'T get cold, where it hardly ever SNOWS, and there is virtually NO WINDCHILL! So the announcement of SNOW in less then 24 hours is DEFINITELY NOT A WELCOME ONE!

It should be made into American law that it is not allowed to snow BEFORE Halloween...ever. However, apparently America and all its wisdom is still not capable of controlling the! So this week is "GET READY FOR HALLOWEEN WEEK!" or in abbreviated form: GRFHW! (no i don't know how to say that), meaning I still need to find a costume...and I still need to find a Halloween Party to go to.

I know what your thinking Faithful reader, I could just plan my OWN halloween party...but then I would have to RUN the party...and then I'd have to think of games and activities and other such joyous holiday fantasticness...which is WAY more effort then I am willing to put forth...ever. So it looks like I might as well make a new friend...but only if they are hosting a party...(if you fit this discription, please feel free and make a comment below!) hasn't started snowing yet...although it might start at any given moment...and believe me it'll be unfortunate :(

In other news. I found camera. Which means...YOU GUESSED IT: PICTURES OF MY LIFE!!!! So be excited! Because now my life will be well documented and all of you faithful readers will be able to stalk me from the comforts of your own homes!

So, the pumpkin pie is gone...which means so is my power...and like all removings of power the post power obsession is really hard to let go of...but i'm working on it! I just need to find another sugary dessert that everyone wants and then i can regain CONTROL!'s gonna be struggle...

Oh yeah I found Pandora...which means my music craving will finally be satisfied! Gotta love music...i'd much rather have music over sleep. Even if I do have an entire channel dedicated to 90's music...and let me tell you it was a weird time...

So, that's basically sleep, more music...and my room is clean!!!

Signing Off,


Monday, October 18, 2010


This week I learned the power of pie. Pumpkin Pie. People crave it. People covet it. People desperately WANT to eat pumpkin pie. And when you personally have the control the people. POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHA.

But what does this have to do with Homework week?

Well...since motivation is dying thanks to mid-terms and papers...or just university life in general. And since, i being a caring individual who is not interested in manipulating anyone what so ever. So, i offered pie. To all those who completed their homework, they get pie. For all those who don't finish their homework...they DON'T GET PIE! And all because of my caring self, who is not interested in the power I control at all, I am kindly encouraging all those around me to complete their assignments.

Alright, power is nice...but i'm not letting it go to my head.

So, it's homework week...academic week, and i'm pretty sure, "just-be-your-self-week". And because everyone LOVES weeks with multiple themes. No it's true. Having a theme really helps you focus your thoughts and organize your life...oh and ensure that you DON'T MANIPULATE others...unless you have pie!

Alright, I am not obsessed with the power of's just ironic how well it works.

And it looks like my class it going to start...looks like it's back to "Homework Week".


Signing Off,

Monday, October 11, 2010

...And The Pursuit of Happiness...

Well Canadians, it's blog day...and it's thanksgiving. Meaning everyone has the day off. Everyone that is, except for those in the states this fine Monday...

However, as I've spent many blogs on the mocking of the nation known as the US of A, i figure i should give all you Canadians some pointers to fit in among our "neighbours to the south", or what I've learned from Homecoming:

1) Homecoming is HUGE...sometimes. No really, it's true. For some people homecoming is like the best thing since sliced bread...for others it's just another week. For was just another week...and for most of my friends it was just another week...but...uh...well it was big for someone.

2) Americans like parades. This is true. EVERYONE goes to watch the parade. And for those IN the wishes they WEREN'T at the parade. Because it is painful...2 miles of pure pain. Constantly moving, feet start hurting, legs cramping...blood...but the PEOPLE love it. I guess savage rituals haven't really ended.

3) Blue Foam makes everything better. It's true. Even when there is thunder, lighting, horrible amounts of rain, blue foam can make everyone happy. I'm not sure how that even does. I guess. Not to mention that being in a wide open field is a safety hazard. But taking risks, in hypothermia or burning, is the epitome of Americanism...

4) Sometimes you win some. Yes, it's a fact that is widely accepted in this can't ALWAYS lose. You have to win eventually. Ironic, since the saying is what goes up must come down, not the opposite. But I suppose Americans have enough money to defy that...?

5) Don't forget the most important fact about's....uh....well it's got to THAT'S IT! People want food! And when you offer free food, people will flock, it makes economic sense! I HAVE FINALLY DISCOVERED THE TRUE MEANING OF HOMECOMING! IT'S TO EAT A LOT OF FREE FOOD! Oh wait...maybe that's thanksgiving...

I feel like I've finally discovered the meaning of Christmas...except...only this time...I don't really care. But, Homecoming has it's perks, it has it's interesting traditions...and it ended wet and soggy. But still, homecoming is a vital part of American culture...and somehow I'll figure out this whole cultural of these'll make sense.

Signing Off,

Sunday, October 3, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...Make Hot Chocolate.

Yes, this is the truth. If life screws you over, you really should make hot chocolate. Not because It'll make ANYTHING any better, but it'll make you THINK that things are getting better. When, in reality, they really aren't. And you are stupidly doing things, and everything is falling to bits around you. And then you ask yourself...what the heck is your problem. So go ahead. When life gives you lemons, please, please, I beg of you, make Hot Chocolate...because in someways that is better then eating a lemon.

Not that there is anything wrong with Lemons.

In other news, I am about to embark on the wonderful world of: HOMECOMING. -i don't even understand what the heck it is...- All I know is that it makes people giddy to be asked, and apparently when you ask people it makes people happy. Sure...that works? And to go back to the recurring theme here, it's all about making people feel good. Because making people feel good, makes you feel good...or something like that. I think. I have to recheck my "how to be a human" handbook. I keep forgetting.

So homecoming is when our football team (which sucks royally) comes home and plays a team they think they can beat (but they won't) and everyone just goes absolutely ga-ga about it. In fact so badly so...that everyone just completely dresses up like Lady Gaga and dances around to rather nonsensical music. I swear my sarcasm is back in full force. That sucks...for all of you!

So despite my rather indifference to the actually event of Homecoming (think of grad night, but cheaper...but same emotional conviction), and my rather corrupted views of life at the moment, I'm sure that all will work out beautifully. Oh WAIT, scratch THAT is MID-TERM MONTH! OH...CAN YOU SAY STRESS! CAN YOU SAY A WEEK OF NON-STOP REVIEWING AND CRAMMING AND HOPING THAT YOU KNOW YOUR STUFF!? ISN'T THIS FREAKIN' AWESOME!

Sorry, I'm trying to get control on my cap locks...but for some reason it always get out of control. I SHOULD care, but quite frankly I'm beyond just happens far to much.

But remember, children. I mean Faithful Readers, it's always good to remember who you are, and make good choices. And to think things through, because sometimes if you don't it can bite you in the butt. That's just a general rule, and in no way an allusion to my life right now. Because my life rocks, and I'm just trying to pass off some wisdom you all should try and follow. I've said before...if life gives you lemons....


Signing Off,