Monday, March 29, 2010

Wind Storm? Isn't it almost April?

So I'm sure you all were fully aware/awake of/for the windstorm we experienced. It was rather enjoyable listening to the creaks, groans, and moaning of trees outside (yes they were actually moaning). Needless to say, I guess March is going out like a lion (didn't it come in like a lion

Spring Break, gotta love it. It's the only holiday where my days are free but my evenings are not. Which is kinda ironic, but sadly true. It really shows how busy I am in the evenings when i contrast it with the vast nothing-ness of spring break.

Today I choose housing for BYU. Entertaining...sort of. We had to watch a video on how to "get you perfect bed", which i'm pretty sure was useless, because the instructions ARE RIGHT THERE...and the voice was incredibly monotone. So 2:30 I get to pick where I will be living come September. (Which is really not that far away O.o)

So, I went to Kelowna. Yes, I decided to spend my first weekend of Spring Break going somewhere colder then Vancouver (which is quite an accomplishment seeing the windstorm we had last night). Kelowna it always is whenever we do this annual trip, a semi-pain in which you always leave HATING the city, yet somehow always end up going back. It's like the relationship that you just can't out of cause you semi enjoy it, and have a death-wish.

Oh and I'm reading 1984. Yeah..that's about all I can say about it.

So, that was my first weekend of spring break. It was...eventful...ish, exciting...ish, and rather enjoyable...ish. Yes, this was a weekend of "ish"es. We'll see how the rest of the week goes...

Signing Off,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poor Wandering Ones

Oh yes, Musicals. GOTTA LOVE 'EM! Now i'm NOT talking about those typical highschool musicals (not to be confused with that travesty with Zac Efron... WHICH I WILL NEVER REFER TO!) like Grease, Bye Bye Birdie, or even Fiddler on the Roof, I am talking about hardcore musicals. WICKED, SWEENEY TODD, INTO THE WOODS, WEST SIDE STORY...and FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (sometimes). Really if it hasn't been attempted by highschool students, then it's still hard core.

But onto other things.

I have gotten a scholarshop to BYU. That's good. Shaves the price down a little. So I'm happy.

Moreover, I think I should try and write a musical. You know, full of love, hate, yelling, death, and perhaps an Island that holds countless number of people...who all seem to think that they are never going to be saved...oh wait...that's already a drama...dangit!

Well...perhaps a musical isn't such a good idea...perhaps a teen fic then...-gag-


Signing Off.
P.S. I'm adding periods to the end of sentences. It. Adds. Emphasis.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break...or a lack thereof

We didn't get the olympics off. We didn't get the second week fo march off. WE didn't even get the THIRD week off. We get the forth week off. And it is part of Easter. -curse you stupid school district!-

In other news, things are chugging along towards grad. Grad committee is in FULL swing, and so grad is ready! Limo is ready, dresses are ready, tuxes are ready...even fundraisers are ready...BUT WAIT! ...grad isn't for another 2 months...-.- wow...

Meanwhile, this week I went through a word craze. I was absorbing words like CRAZY!'s been fun. Needless to say, that my reputation of not COMPLETELY a geek as been basically obliterated. Completely.

With spring break being so late, it's becoming apparent to all those within the school, that they are getting tired. SO with 4 more official classes before we head off for 11 days, everyone is hitting the brick wall...literally. We are tired, we are weary...and above all...WE ARE THE ONLY DISTRICT NOT TO HAVE HAD SPRING BREAK YET!!!! -frustration voiced here-

My goals for my spring break:
2) Read 1984 (english homework)
4) Prep for a French Oral Presentation

you'll notice the theme.

Signing off,
a dejected DG

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Divergent and Convergent Planes...of interest

J'avais voulu ecrire mon blog en francais aujour'dhui mais...j'ai decide ecrire en anglais. Although, i should try and do that one of these days...maybe...

My english class has finally started one my most beloved units of ALL time, POETRY! WAIT READER! COME BACK! I know, I know, people HATE dealing with poetry. Poetry is hard to understand. It's hard to write, and ABOVE ALL, it's just a bunch of drivel on a page.

MAIS NON! C'est belle, c'est magnifique! Je l'adore!

-oh sorry about that, back to english-

Poetry is SO much more. Really it's just a way of writing that is attempted by many, and failed by many. Very few can successfully write a powerful poem. I certainly cannot. My poems, from time to time, are good enough to write twice, however that rarely happens. Most of the time, I'd give MY poems a good 4 out 6. Nothing more.

Of course there are those with NATURAL talent when it comes to the english language, and to them, I say: Vous avez recu un cadeau spectaculaire, et j'espere que vous le savez!

Alright, enough of the french...

Ce blog est fini maintenant, au revoir.

P.S. here is a poem i wrote:

Amber Chang likes this:
Who, pray tell, is Amber Chang? What does she like?
What is "this" and who is she? Another captured soul, no doubt,
within this complex spider web, a network of lines,
Of sticky strands, linking others refusing to be free;
Like the frog in boiling water, contented not to jump, he likes the heat.
Oh Facebook, thou art a heartless mistress!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Anti-climactic

It's sad really, when you stop and think about it, that eventually my highschool experience will draw to a close. I will embark on a new journey and enter the "real world". How frightening/exciting. How... (pick favourite ajective and insert here).

My life has been full of little ironies these past few days. BYU was not one of them. Although, why they didn't get back to me for a week and a half...or why they decided to push my day of "housing buying" back a full 2 and a half weeks is also a mystery. However, not to worry, I'm still pumped about the idea of going to BYU.

The little ironies came rather in the anti-climactic activities of my day to lives. Like any good sit-com every little drama had the right amount of drama, allowing for suspense and confusion to build. But all fell short. All did not achieve their potential. Kinda sad really.

However, I must admit that our groups "dramas" were relatively lame. As it was we found excitement in the fictional, joy in the trivial, and entertainment in the begnine. I guess that's what you get for being in one of the nerdiest groups in school. (We have our own fun, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!)

However, things are being set up. Grad is getting planned (by me and my nerdy friends...go figure). Friends are returning from distant lands...where they were visiting...all in all, things are certainly building up to SOMETHING.

Signing off,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hark! What is that noise, pray tell me!

Oh, my faithful readers, today is DEFINATELY a good day.

My friend has found a boyfriend. AH the little ironies. More on that story later.

I got 6/6 on another french essay. :D Life's good.

BYU got back to me.

I got 6/6 on an English essay. That too is good.

I am currently trying to think of the best way to write this story for english, as of right now, i'm still undergoing writers block.

I am also fully aware the costs of crying wolf, and I hope I never do it.

AT least 3-4 secrets were spilt today. All of which altered the world.

AND, BYU said YES! I'M GOING TO PROVO!!! (HEY! it's a LOT cooler then it sounds. SO SHUT UP!)


Hope you enjoyed that.

Signing Off,

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Silence is deafening...

Anyone BESIDES me think that is the DUMBEST phrase ever created. Maybe it's because EVERY english student uses that very phrase in a poem at ONE time or another. Admit it, you've all done it. I'm mean, come on, it's a very usefull description...of very little. Silence is not deafening. It can be suffocating. It can be overwhelming. It can even be at times unbearable. But silence is not, and will never be, DEAFENING...aiya.

Anyways, still no news from my university of choice. Whatever the reason for their lack of communication, I'm sure it's good. Cause if it's not, I may have a bone to pick with them. However, I have finally completed another application to another school. And things are looking up. My bet is I'll apply to this other school, pay the $75 application fee, and then get regally accepted to BYU. It's gonna happen, you watch reader.

In other news, March is break up month. Well, not for me. And not for everyone. But for enough people it is. Everything you once believed in will come crashing down around your ears. WHY? Because, quite frankly, it's March. No one likes March. Even if your birthday is IN March, you don't like it. Look at the facts, March is in the awkward, teenage-like, season change. Where it can't decide whether to be spring or to be winter. And so we end up with a soggy cross between the too. Further more, i'm going to loose an hour of sleep soon, not so pleased about that.

Oh, and Oh CANDA everyone, is gonna be changed from the grammatically correct, yet sexist "In all our sons command" to the equality enforcing, yet grammatically flawed "In all of us command".....? WHAT? Even if that phrase made the LEAST bit of sense, I'd still not understand. Exactly WHY is everyone SO uptight about the word son?? I bet if the word was daughter, and sons were excluded, NO ONE WOULD SAY ANYTHING. I am all for equality don't get me wrong. I think it's great, but really...changing the words to a grammatically flawed our national anthem...seems a little...I to me. But, who am I to say, let's change it...what can we loose???

So, that's it folks,
Signing off,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


March, you are here. WOW! One step closure to the end of highschool as I know it. Scary thought. Granted, i'll be moving on to bigger and better things (hopefully), but soon it'll all be coming to a close.

Speaking of bigger and better things, my school of choice, apparently enjoys lying. Odd, and slightly ironic, i know. They told my they would get back to me by the 26 of February (then sent me an email that i wouldn't know til the 27th-should have realized something was wrong right then-), but that date has come and gone. Obviously. Even more obviously, they haven't gotten back to me. Until today.


In other news, I have currently been trying to play sweet caroline on the guitar, i hate it. Currently in search of not AS corny of a song. I'll continue to look. However, if anyone has any suggestions for an easy to learn and perfect song, THAT WOULD BE GREAT!

Also, grand limo HAS been finalized. I'm still taking the bus, but to all those who are in the limo this is great news. A special thanks goes out to a specific friend, who due to privacy concerns i won't name but they know who they are, who worked tirelessly on this project, i speak for everyone both in the limo and not in the limo; THANK YOU!!!! (all you lazy butts who didn't say thank you, can now take credit).

AND, even more important, CANADA IS AMAZING! We won: 14 golds, 7 silver, and 5 bronze, 26 all together. MEANING that we TOPPED the podeum MOST OF THE TIME! USA, with 37 medals, only topped the podeum 9 times. And Germany, only 10. WE won the record for most golds won by a host nation in the winter olympics, most golds won by ANY nation in a winter olympics, AND most golds won at THESE olympics. CANADA!!! YOU ARE FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!

Oh, and they are still reviewing my application. I'll tell you when i know anything.

Yeah, i kept you in suspense for nothing.

Signing Off,