Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Essays, No Thesis Necessary.

The essay, has been the back-bone of university classes since the beginning of time. So important to classes that at any given time you can walk into a library and see someone slaving through an essay. Each time it becomes more and more apparent that you should also be finishing that essay that you have sitting on the back burner, which needs to be finished...but you somehow don't really want to, and are more willing to not do it and just go else where and have fun. Oh university, why is success so hard to come by?

However, almost as vile as the essay, is something equally terrifying: ASSUMPTIONS! They are arrive in your life and the more you let them fester in your mind, you end up wish you hadn't because suddenly the assumption becomes reality. But yet, you have very little proof that you are correct. I mean think about how many people have been wrong about assumptions through out history...Hitler comes to mind. His assumptions were so horribly wrong (thankfully) that his war crumbled in his hands. Or how about Voldemort? Yeah! I'm pretty sure it was his assumptions that got him killed NOT a little boy with a magical stick and a scar...please, no one would even buy that. Oh wait...they have...and...oh....stupid teenagers...

So, i speak to you, Faithful Reader with an Assumption Addiction, remember FRWAAA, people still love you. But take a stance, just say no. No to assuming that the girl across the hall hates you. No to assuming that the guy who smiled at you wants you to go away. No to assuming that your parents love you. No to assuming that you're life would suck with out him/her. Say no to assumptions and you'll be safer. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, pretty much all ways. No one can hate you if you DON'T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS!!!!

And so members of FRWAAA (i know it does sound like a tribal war cry), remember this acronym poem:

A is for annoying
S is for stupid
S is for seriously? Just stop
U is for use assumptions carefully and frugally
M is for minimally, how often you should use them
E is for everyone who needs to stop

AND REMEMBER YOU CAN! IF YOU TRY! Don't worry FRWAAA members, someone loves you.

Signing Off,

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