Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Anti-climactic

It's sad really, when you stop and think about it, that eventually my highschool experience will draw to a close. I will embark on a new journey and enter the "real world". How frightening/exciting. How... (pick favourite ajective and insert here).

My life has been full of little ironies these past few days. BYU was not one of them. Although, why they didn't get back to me for a week and a half...or why they decided to push my day of "housing buying" back a full 2 and a half weeks is also a mystery. However, not to worry, I'm still pumped about the idea of going to BYU.

The little ironies came rather in the anti-climactic activities of my day to lives. Like any good sit-com every little drama had the right amount of drama, allowing for suspense and confusion to build. But all fell short. All did not achieve their potential. Kinda sad really.

However, I must admit that our groups "dramas" were relatively lame. As it was we found excitement in the fictional, joy in the trivial, and entertainment in the begnine. I guess that's what you get for being in one of the nerdiest groups in school. (We have our own fun, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!)

However, things are being set up. Grad is getting planned (by me and my nerdy friends...go figure). Friends are returning from distant lands...where they were visiting...all in all, things are certainly building up to SOMETHING.

Signing off,

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