Monday, February 8, 2010

Facebook, Twitter...Myspace?

Ah, the wonderful world of online networking sites. Where else can you see who is dating whom? Who broke up with whom? The things people like, don't like, became fans of, did not become fans of? Where you can twit and share links...and STAY UP ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT!

I just have ONE little complaint. I do not have twitter...I guess it's probably because I don't have enough CONSTANTLY happening to me, that I feel needs to be CONSTANTLY shared. Besides...I don't think people need to know my every thought anyways: "I just went to the bathroom"..."I JUST SAW THE FIRST ROBIN OF february..."..."MY DOG JUST DIED! IT'S DISGUSTING!"...why would you do that?

Further more, facebook, that lovely site where people have random apps, that keeps changing it's appearance every so often to keep us on our toes, where you have friends you don't even know. AND where you can see where the little dynamics are with your circle of friends (did i mention my circle of friends is a few hundred strong...they just aren't close...useless).

Myspace. Does it even exsist anymore? Do people still even use it? Hasn't Facebook and Twitter kinda left myspace sitting in the dust...? Anyone? -vague empty silence-

Yes, so as you can see, the only PRODUCTIVE way to tell people what's REALLY going on in your life (with out actually talking to them...or using a telephone...or texting...OR MSNING...) is through BLOGS! Where else can you rant with OUT being interrupted???? Answer me that!

Actually don't. You'd interrupt me.

Signing off,

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