Monday, February 15, 2010

Ah, the good ol' hockey Game

As most of you are FULLY aware, I was not at school today. Now, before you all start thinking I skipped out, or that I've decided that school isn't for me, take a deep breathe, console yourself, and read on.

I am taking part in the olympics. And today was the 1st of 5. Today, I was in a Highland Flash Mob, which basically means we burst out of no-where and do some highland dancing stuff. It's quite entertaining. This was interesting in and of itself, because we learned that in day people like dancing and shows, in the evening they just want to watch hockey...go figure.

Yes, I was there at the Women Hockey game, Canada versus Switzerland. We won. 10-1, i really can't say anything more. IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!

Yes, I ALSO watched (on a little tv in a stuffy little locker room) the pairs figure skating. IT WAS SO BORING, with out the voices telling me every little detail about their routine. I kinda missed it.

AND YES! I befriended a mascot. We befriended the MAN behind the MASCOT! That was awesome too!

AND YES!!! It was a terribly LONG day in which, we arrived 1.5 hours early, and had to waste the time doing nothing. It was so TERRIBLY boring at times that many of us simply fell asleep. Security was annoying. The Accredation was you only way to do ANYTHING. And...quite simply, it pretty much sheer madness from the moment we got there. My blood pressure is THROUGH THE ROOF.

All in all it was fun. C'etait AMUSENT! Thank you, merci.

Signing Off,
Day 1 of 5 (stayed tuned, more tomorrow)

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