Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Note to the editor

Ah yes, Exams. The dreaded week of highschool is finally here. WHO IS EXCITED??? I AM!!! (definately not).

With 4 exams coming up (for three classes thank you very much) all with in days of eachother, studying has pretty much become an endurance test. Cramming as much knowledge into my brain as humanly possible without seriously damaging my ceribrial cortex. And believe me it's harder then it looks.

I know, everyone has gone through this before me. Well, I haven't. So let me stress. It's the climax of the dreaded month known as January. But, I'll survive.

Of course, exams aren't the ONLY drama around this time. Hardly. Grad, it's And with it comes limos, buses, dates (or lack of them), tables (we are up to three), spite, and roughly 25 people which all means MONEY! That is something I know nothing about. Pity..huh?

Alright alright lets be fair, Grad will have tonnes of great memories, i just secretly wish these memories didn't cost so much.

So, January has finally reached it's much anticipated THOSE WHO ARE SCREWED PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR...(it's a party in the libraryyyy...)

Signing Off,

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA~ wait until you get to university! Wonder what you'll blog about that! Lol~
    It'll DEFINITELY BE PARTY IN THE LIBRARY/CAFETERIA! =P And the cramming...just may damage your ceribrial cortex just a tad bit~
