Monday, January 18, 2010

Just your typical Sushi Monday

Ok wasn't quite. We had Chinese food instead of Sushi, so I suppose that calling today Sushi monday COULD count as a racial slander. SORRY to all potentially offended readers, it's just what we call 'em.

More to the point. One exam down, 3 more to go. WHOOOT! Next up Calculus. The final exam that may not even be marked if I do REALLY badly on does it even count? Yes it does, i'll still be reviewing for it anyways.

But onto more pressing news: Sleep, or the lack thereof. No matter how hard you try and say it, teenagers ARE nocturnal. Next to those creepy monkey with the HUGE eyes, we are probably the most sleep-deprived mammals on the planet. Some of course, are worse then others, but we've all deprived ourselves on MORE then one occasion.

Staying up til mid-night? that's nothing. One in the morning? Child's play. Three? That takes a little effort. Anything past 4? You need serious mental help, not to mention your body probably hates you. What am I? Let's just say, that my body and I aren't speaking at the moment.

Granted of course, we do get the rest we need. Some nap, some crash over the weekends, and some...catnap. know those 5-minute naps that when add up equal to like 4 hours of badly needed sleep.

Why am I talking about sleep? Well, with exams coming up it's totally accepted that sleep is taking a back seat to more important things, HOWEVER, there is a limit to the lack of sleeping. And secretly, I don't plan to piss of my already exhausted body any further. -YAWN-

PFFT! Who am I kidding? Facebook til 12? Msn til 3? OH YEAH! Here I come! Sleep...the final frontier.

Signing Off,

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