Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Application of Integration

AH, Calculus. Everybody LOVES MATH. I think secretly people have certain love for it, they just don't want to admit it. COME ON PEOPLE EVERYONE DOES IT! DON'T BE ASHAMED OF YOUR MATH CRAVINGS!

Fine. I'll concede, people don't ALWAYS love math. Grumble.

As I'm sitting at my computer, attempting to solve a calculus problem while listening to a song that i'm sure i DID NOT put on my itunes list, I felt that I should blog about my past few days.

The school year has started, and there is only a few more weeks before the olympics. And with the olympics comes...full body scanners??? Now there is a touchy subject. Anyone stop to think of what the person who has to sit behind the screen going to tell their friends when they ask for a brief job description? "I watch people, via a scanner, that virtually means i can see EVERYTHING, and I MEAN EVERYTHING." That just will make people lonely and friendless.

Despite the latest "controversy" over the 2010 Olympics, life seems to be going about smoothly and wonderfully. Granted of course, when the olympics come I'll still have to go to school, because schools are NOT going to break for the two weeks that world comes to vancouver. AND Vancouver already has a HORRIBLE traffic problem. But what can you do? Nothing, so sit down and finish your homework.

School is still easing into normal progression. And Calculus is still captivating. So I guess the question really is: Spend Grad night with my friends AT the grad dinner dance...or doing Calculus. We shall see. But integrals are sure alluring--they don't talk back.

Signing Off,

1 comment:

  1. Giraffe,
    Calculus will be over Grad Night. Grad Night's in June! AP exams, if you didn't know, are all in May. M-A-Y.
    Spend Grad Night with your friends, please.
