Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yet Another American Holiday

Alright, i will give you this America, the holidays in the early side of the semester is a brilliant thing. Canada doesn't have a mid-January holiday, but America...you have Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A man we have heard about even in Canada. Yes, it's true, sometimes American's have a global impact! (It's a pretty frequent).

Now at least Martin Luther King Jr. Day makes some sense. I mean there are so many holidays that really don't make sense like....Family Day. In pretty much every Canadian province (except for like 2...including Quebec) this holiday sneaks in mid-february for no apparent reason. I mean officially the holiday is encouraging "family togetherness" but in reality, it's just a paid day where people don't have to go to work.

Or how about Valentines day? That day does not make any sense. It's as if it encourages procreation (although that is one of the various historical explanations for this day). Although, i think Valentines Day is really just an excuse to give the chocolate makers of the world something do during the bleak winter months.

Or St. Patrick's Day. That one is merely a holiday for all Irish individuals in the world...yet somehow people have simply adopted it as a reason to get smashed. Although I didn't realize that people needed an reason to get drunk, people seem to do just fine without a holiday giving them permission.

So...there are some pretty outlandish holidays. Christmas, New Years, Easter, and other various religious celebration and obvious changes in the calendar have some real merit...and celebrating individuals who have truly changed their society for the better are logical holidays. But I vote we scrap some of the various stupid holidays (although, though if it gives met the day off then I accept it. So Family Day gets a gold star in my books).

Although, I guess all we have to look forward to is: SINGLE AWARENESS DAY (SAD) also known as Valentines Day. Hope you all enjoy your weeks faithful readers, cause mine is only four days! YES!

Signing Off,

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