Saturday, January 1, 2011

Of Reflections and Projections

Phew! What a crazy year! 2010 just blew by, and much to my dismay, i don't think i really noticed all that was happening when it was happening. However, that being still was a pretty amazing year!

First off we had the Olympics! Vancouver 2010 was a pretty impressive sight. Vancouver walked onto the world stage...stumbled a little, but then put on a wicked show. We truly rose to the occasion. Patriotism grew to a new level, a level that is still resonating with Canadians everywhere. It became truly cool to be a Canadian. Winning the most gold metals at a Winter Olympics and for a host nation Canada trumped even its own expectations. The Olympics were impressive to say the least, and I lived it...and for that I'm glad.

Next we move to the Mormon Temple the was built and opened the beginning of May. For some this event simple went by, but for those in my church, this was a major event. Complete with a Youth Celebration that was top notch and an open house that truly opened up the eyes of many individuals in the community as to what the heck the Mormons do in those "mysterious temples". However, the temple is now up and running and even this event became past...but something we will remember for forever.

Then came my remember this don't you Faithful reader? The stress, the panic, the distain, the hesitation, the anger, and the irritation that came from planning the event that in the end grew to a night that I will always remember. However, in the shadow of the two previous events, Grad didn't really shine all that bright. However, it was interesting nonetheless and something that i'm glad i went to. But Graduations happen every year, and Grad 2010 quickly slips into the realm of forgotten for most people.

Then is was of to University. Again not really a "historical" moment of 2010, but still a big step forward for me. Moving out and going somewhere completely new was a little terrifying, but i quickly got into the swing of things. Although I must say, that the first semester was not completely terrible, and in the end I did enjoy my time there and now it's on to the second semester! WHOOO!

Then there was Christmas Around the World. The folk dance show that was put on this Christmas that I was privileged to be part of. Although there were moments of leprachonism, and "heavy drinking" it was a memorable experience. I mean, where else would see Hungarians being invited to an Irish Ceildh? The answer is nowhere...Although, i suppose the Hungarians DID have the drinks.

It's been an amazing year. 2010 was perhaps the most jam-packed year of my life, and I was glad for all the experiences. Each one made me grow and stretch (sometimes more then I would have liked). 2010 was a year of excitement and fun...but it did have pain and sorrow. But like every year it has come to a close and it's time to move forward and remember the experiences with fondness, but walk with our heads held high into 2011.

What will 2011 hold for each of us? Who knows. Perhaps it'll be a year of montony. Perhaps it'll be so exciting that none of us will even know what hit us. But one thing is for sure, it's here. And whether we like it or not, we need to face 2011 boldly and courageously. We only have one chance at 2011 everyone, you don't get a make every day count. And don't let anything get in your way of your goals.

It's the New Year...and my resolution: Live my Life the way I want to, and not be afraid to "Take Chances, Make Mistakes, and Get Messy!" Oh Miss. Frizzle...what would I do without you.

Happy New Year Faithful Readers,
Signing off,

1 comment:

  1. Oy. You know I'm tired coz I read the line "made me grow and stretch" as "made me grow and stench," and I wondered why the heck you haven't had a shower...

    That's what staying up to welcome in the new year and then having to get up at 3 a.m. so as to bring hubs to the airport will do to a person.

    Not recommended.

    Glad you're not stenching. bwaha!
