Friday, January 14, 2011

Blogging vs Time...Sadly Blogging Lost

So I'm back in the States. I'm back taking classes, some are highly enjoyable, others are well... not as exciting as they could be. But i'm not taking Econ this semester. And probably the best thing about this new semester. Although, the political science class i'm taking is not as exciting as I believed it was going to be.

But, what else is there to talk about? For the past two weeks that has been the main source of conservation. "What class are you taking?" "I'm totally switching out of this class" "I'm taking WAY too many credits" "Does this class make me look fat?" Yes, all completely plausible conversation topics. But it's good to be back.

Utah actually has winter. Now when I say winter, I mean COLD, SNOW, SCARVES, GLOVES, TOQUES! I'm instantly missing the warm, moderately damp, temperate of winters back home. Although my distaste for snow has only increased as every day passes. See back home, snow is a novelty. People fail at commuting in it, and there really aren't enough snowplows to go around, but it really only snows usually a grand total of 3 times a year...if we are lucky. However, here...the snow doesn't melt. Meaning that day after day you end up staring at the snow and wondering why it doesn't go away. It instantly looses its "novelty" status.

But snow isn't the only problem with winter. Snow I could live with. It's the internal heating systems in buildings. I swear they are only on one temperature: WAY TOO HOT! You walk in from the frigid morning winter air into a building that is practically a sauna. I end up down to my t-shirt within 3 minutes of being in the building. And then you end up craving going back outside. Only to discover it is way too cold. it's like have to experience a hot flash every time you walk out side. And trust me it's enough to encourage you never to age to a point where hormone levels fail...

But one good thing about being back here is the wonderful world of Folk Dance. You probably remember it from a few posts ago. The one about the show of the year and the nasty condescending comments directed at those who didn't attend? Well it's back. Not the show...but the institution. Folk Dance, complete with various cultural dances that range from the simple to the terribly complex. But not matter what, you feel good about yourself, life, and the human race in general. A feeling that usually lasts until you enter the testing centre where all faith in humanity dies...rather painfully. Folk keeps you on your toes, physically, mentally, emotionally, and constantly. Needless to say Folk Dance is all the rage, and it's good to be back. Although i'm not a fan of the runners using the hallways as a track...stupid snow...CURSE YOU WINTER!!!

Well, that's all for now, off to Waiting for 2RB.

Signing off,

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